Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Bill expands access to Internet users' data - tonight Newspaper ...

Bill expands access to Internet users? data

30 October 2012 No Comment

Jim Bronskill, The Canadian Press | Last Updated:Tue, 30 Oct 2012 21:27:23 GMT

OTTAWA - The Conservative government's widely criticized online surveillance legislation may be on the back burner, but another bill that would expand police access to Internet users' data is about to resurface.

Bill C-12 would make it easier for Internet service providers, email hosts and social media sites to voluntarily share personal information about customers with authorities, possibly including private security firms.

The legislation could also effectively impose a gag on the Internet companies, preventing them from telling customers their personal details have been shared.

"It broadens the conditions under which law enforcement can resort to this voluntary sharing regime," said Tamir Israel, staff lawyer at the University of Ottawa's Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic.

"It definitely reduces even further any accountability for it."

Government House leader Peter Van Loan recently signalled the little-noticed bill could come up for second-reading debate as early as Wednesday.

Currently, under the federal privacy law covering businesses, Internet providers may voluntarily hand over information about subscribers without consent to assist police or intelligence officers with the enforcement of Canadian laws, as well as matters of national security, defence or international affairs.

Bill C-12 would expand the list of conditions under which such voluntary sharing is allowed to include cases where personal information is requested to perform "policing services."

Israel said that could allow an Internet service provider to hand over personal information about its customers to a curious private security firm.

A legislative summary of the bill prepared by the Library of Parliament says it is unclear what the provision means.

"This new exception for policing services appears to add an open-ended and undefined circumstance related to law enforcement to this list," says the legislative summary.

The term "policing services" is not defined in either the bill or the federal privacy law, the summary adds.

Israel said Bill C-12 also waters down an existing element of the law that limits the release of personal information to police to occasions when they have demonstrated "lawful authority" to request it.

The current provision obligates service providers to assess police demands for customer data with a bit of skepticism, he said. It means a request for vast amounts of data ? such as all of a person's emails ? would likely be refused.

Bill C-12 appears to broaden the concept of "lawful authority" to the point where simply flashing a police badge might be enough to meet the demands of the law, Israel said.

Other changes would prevent service providers from telling customers their information has been divulged to investigators in a wide range of scenarios, including if a government institution requests the information under the national security, law enforcement or policing services exemptions, says the legislative summary.

If a provider wished to inform a customer of information-sharing, it would have to seek permission from the police service or other organization that requested the data. In many cases the requester would have the power to say no, keeping the customer in the dark.

Internet service providers say that, even now, they comply with the vast majority of requests from police and intelligence services for subscriber information.

Israel cited statistics indicating providers hand over data in response to 94 per cent of RCMP requests.

However, he said he's troubled by the "voluntary sharing" regime ? which C-12 would expand ? because it skirts the sort of oversight and tracking generally associated with police surveillance, such as court-approved warrants or production orders.

"At the very least it needs a rethink, and definitely more oversight and accountability," Israel said.

Laws should not prevent authorities from obtaining information, but must force them to be targeted and specific in their requests, he added.

"It's easier sometimes to cast that wider net," Israel said. "And that's what happens without that legal framework."

Industry Minister Tony Clement introduced Bill C-12 more than a year ago ? the government's long-awaited response to a parliamentary review of the privacy law governing businesses.

The likely re-emergence of the bill comes eight months after a storm of outrage over another, highly publicized Conservative attempt to boost Internet surveillance.

Bill C-30 alarmed civil libertarians because it would allow authorities access to Internet subscriber information ? including name, address, telephone number and email address ? without a warrant in cases where companies refused to provide it voluntarily.

The government indicated the bill would go directly to committee, skipping the customary second reading, to allow for amendments. Little has been heard since.


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Monday, October 29, 2012

Baseball-Giants silence Tigers bats, take 3-0 World Series lead


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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sponsor a Family on our Angel Tree | Shelter Home of Caldwell ...

?This Christmas the Shelter Home will be organizing an Angel Tree List. ? On this list will be the names of victims and their children that the Shelter Home has provided services to within the past year.? We will be taking note of their ages, clothing sizes, and something they would ? like to have for Christmas.? After compiling the list we will try to arrange for a community member, church group, club, etc. to adopt one of these families. ? If you are interested in sponsoring one of these families, please call?Hope Bumgarner?at (828)758-0888.?? If you are unable to sponsor a family please consider donating money to help sponsor our Christmas party at Bo?s Family Entertainment, or even donating items from our Wish List.

Drop off Date is Wednesday December 5th by 5:00 pm. Thank you for your support

Comments are closed.


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Monday, October 15, 2012

Genetics Society of America announces 2013 award recipients

Genetics Society of America announces 2013 award recipients [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 15-Oct-2012
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Contact: Phyllis Edelman
Genetics Society of America

5 individuals are recognized by their peers for their outstanding achievements and contributions to the community of geneticists

BETHESDA, MD -- October 15, 2012 -- The Genetics Society of America (GSA) is pleased to announce its 2013 award recipients. The five individuals honored are recognized by their peers for their outstanding achievements and contributions to the community of geneticists. They will receive their awards at GSA conferences during 2013.

"This year's award winners are an outstanding group of individuals who have all contributed in such powerful ways to the field of genetics in research, in education, and in fostering the genetics community. The GSA awards provide an opportunity for the genetics community as a whole to say a heartfelt thank you and to recognize those whose impressive achievements have advanced the science of genetics," said Phil Heiter, PhD, President of GSA.

The recipients of the 2013 GSA Awards are as follows:

  • Thomas D. Petes, PhD (Duke University) is awarded the Thomas Hunt Morgan Medal for lifetime contributions in the field of genetics.
  • Elaine A. Ostrander, PhD (National Institutes of Health, National Human Genome Research Institute) is awarded the Genetics Society of America Medal for outstanding contributions to the field of genetics in the last 15 years.
  • R. Scott Hawley, PhD (Stowers Institute for Medical Research) is awarded the George W. Beadle Award for outstanding contributions to the community of genetics researchers.
  • A. Malcolm Campbell, PhD (Davidson College) is awarded the Elizabeth W. Jones Award for Excellence in Education, which recognizes significant and sustained impact in genetics education.
  • Jonathan K. Pritchard, PhD (HHMI and University of Chicago) is awarded the Edward Novitski Prize, which recognizes an extraordinary level of creativity and intellectual ingenuity in solving a significant problem in genetics research.

Additional information about each of the awards and the recipients' achievement is listed below.

Recipient: Thomas D. Petes, PhD, Duke University
Award: The Thomas Hunt Morgan Medal

Dr. Petes is the Minnie Geller Professor in Genetics in the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, NC. He has made seminal research contributions that have furthered the understanding of the mechanisms of DNA damage and repair using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model system. His insights into comprehending genome stability and instability extend far beyond this model system, laying the foundation for much of our knowledge about how human cells replicate, protect, repair and combine their chromosomes. This has provided crucial understanding in identifying the gene defects of the most common form of hereditary colon cancer and in other human diseases.

In addition to his scientific achievements, Dr. Petes has mentored numerous outstanding scientists and has been an active member of GSA, having served as both secretary (1995) and president (2002) of the Society. He has been honored by election to the National Academy of Sciences (1999) and as a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2005), the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2005), and the American Academy of Microbiology (2009).

The Thomas Hunt Morgan Medal is named in honor of Thomas Hunt Morgan (1866), the classical geneticist who was a founder of modern genetics and the 1933 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine recipient for his studies of Drosophila and "the role played by the chromosome in heredity." The Morgan Medal recognizes genetics researchers whose body of work over their lifetime has substantively added to knowledge in the field and consequently has had great impact on its direction.

Recipient: Elaine A. Ostrander, PhD, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health
Award: The Genetics Society of America Medal

Dr. Ostrander is Chief of the Cancer Genetics Branch, Head of the Comparative Genetics Section, and NIH Distinguished Investigator at the National Human Genome Research Institute of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, MD. In addition to her work on human prostate and breast cancers, she is known throughout the scientific community as the world's foremost authority on canine genomics. She led the effort to sequence the dog genome and has played a principal role in the development of a host of other important canine genomics research tools, which have been used to better understand both human and canine disease susceptibility genes and the genetic architecture underlying mammalian morphological traits. She was the recipient of the Burroughs Wellcome Innovation Award in Functional Genomics (2000-2004) and the Asa Mays Award from the American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation (2005), and has received recognition from the NIH with the Group Merit Award (2008), the G. Burroughs Mider Lecture (2008) and the Distinguished Investigator Award (2011).

Award: The Genetics Society of America Medal was established by GSA to recognize elegant and highly meaningful contributions to genetics within the previous 15 years of their careers.

Recipient: R. Scott Hawley, PhD, Stowers Institute for Medical Research
Award: George W. Beadle Award

Dr. Hawley is an American Cancer Society Research Professor and Investigator at the Stowers Institute for Medical Research in Kansas City, MO, and as founding dean of The Graduate School of the Stowers Institute. He is also Professor of Molecular and Integrative Physiology at the University of Kansas School of Medicine. His seminal research contributions, using the model organism Drosophila melanogaster have revealed the function of many of the genes regulating and carrying out meiosis. In addition, he has developed tools, techniques and approaches for studying the chromosomal dynamics of this process.

Beyond his research, Dr. Hawley is an acclaimed teacher, mentor, textbook author, manuscript reviewer, and speaker who is extraordinarily giving of his time and talent to the community of genetics researchers and to the public. Among his many accomplishments, he helped launch the highly successful Gordon Research Conference on Meiosis in 1992, which continues to be held annually.

Dr. Hawley is a long-time, active member of GSA, including service as president (2010) and director (1996) of the Society. He has also held a number of editorial positions for the GSA journal GENETICS and is currently senior editor for the Society's journal G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics. In 2008 he received the GSA Excellence in Education Award recognizing his outstanding contribution to teaching and mentoring. He has also been honored by election to the National Academy of Sciences (2011), as a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2006) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2001), and as a Searle Scholar (1984).

The George W. Beadle Award honors individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the community of genetics researchers and exemplify the qualities of its namesake, who served as GSA's president in 1946. Beadle (1903) received the 1958 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work in in discovering that genes act by regulating definite chemical events. He was not only an outstanding researcher but also a leader in the educational and scientific communities serving as president of the University of Chicago (1961) and as a member of numerous influential national and international committees.

Recipient: A. Malcolm Campbell, PhD, Davidson College
Award: Elizabeth W. Jones Award for Excellence in Education

Dr. Campbell describes himself as "primarily a teacher but also a biologist." This emphasis on pedagogy and science led him to his current position as a Professor of Biology and director of the James G. Martin Genomics Program at Davidson College, a primarily undergraduate institution in Davidson, North Carolina. Dr. Campbell is also a writer and curriculum developer, having co-authored the first true genomics textbook for undergraduates, Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, and having developed the Genome Consortium for Active Teaching (GCAT). Since it was created in 2000, more than 360 undergraduate faculty have been trained to use the GCAT program, which combines mathematical, computer science and biology skills and knowledge to bring genomics into the undergraduate curriculum. Originally focusing on delivering affordable DNA microarray experiments to students, GCAT now also brings the tools and resources of synthetic biology and next generation sequencing to undergraduates nationwide. These resources have been used by more than 24,000 undergraduate students, who otherwise may have been unable to have this learning experience. Dr. Campbell was previously honored for his contributions to science education by The American Society for Cell Biology's Bruce Alberts Award for Excellence in Science Education (2006) and the Davidson College Hunter-Hamilton Love of Teaching Award (2008).

The Elizabeth W. Jones Award for Excellence in Education recognizes an individual or group that has had significant, sustained impact on genetics education at any level, from kindergarten through beyond graduate school. This award honors those who have promoted greater exposure to and deeper understanding of genetics. The award was named posthumously in 2008 for Elizabeth W. Jones (1939), a renowned geneticist and educator who was GSA president (1987), editor-in-chief of GSA's journal GENETICS (1996 2008) and the recipient of the first GSA Excellence in Education Award in 2007.

Recipient: Jonathan K. Pritchard, PhD, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and University of Chicago
Award: The Edward Novitski Prize

Dr. Pritchard is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator and a Professor in the Department of Human Genetics at the University of Chicago. Through collaborative activities, Dr. Pritchard has made contributions to our understanding of the causes and consequences of human molecular variation and adaptation. He and his team analyze genetic data using computational approaches to examine human genetic variation. With his colleagues he developed a model-based clustering approach, now available in a free software package named structure. This computational approach infers population structure and assigns individuals to different genetic populations. This method is now widely used in a range of fields such as human genetics, forensics, and perhaps most widely in molecular ecology and conservation genetics. He was named as both a Packard Fellow and Alfred P. Sloan Fellow in 2004, received the Mitchell Prize from the American Statistical Association and the International Society of Bayesian Analysis in 2002, and featured by Discover as one of the "20 Best Brains Under 40" in 2008.

The Edward Novitski Prize was established by GSA and the Novitski family to honor the memory of Edward Novitski (1918-2006), a Drosophila geneticist and lifelong GSA member, who specialized in chromosome mechanics and elucidating meiosis through the construction of modified chromosomes. The Prize recognizes an extraordinary level of creativity and intellectual ingenuity in the solution of significant problems in genetics research, a scientific achievement that stands out from the body of innovative work and solves a difficult problem in genetics.


For more information about each award and for a list of past recipients, please visit the GSA Awards page at


Founded in 1931, the Genetics Society of America (GSA) is the professional scientific society for genetics researchers and educators. Its nearly 5,000 members work to advance knowledge in the basic mechanisms of inheritance, from the molecular to the population level. GSA promotes research and fosters communication among geneticists worldwide through a number of GSA-sponsored conferences including the biennial conference on Model Organisms to Human Biology, an interdisciplinary meeting on current and cutting edge topics in genetics research, and annual and biennial meetings that focus on the genetics of particular model organisms. GSA publishes GENETICS, the leading journal for seminal research in the field and a new, online publication, G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, which publishes high quality foundational research, particularly research that generates useful genetic and genomic information. For more information about GSA, please visit Also follow GSA on Facebook at and on Twitter @GeneticsGSA.

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Genetics Society of America announces 2013 award recipients [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 15-Oct-2012
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Contact: Phyllis Edelman
Genetics Society of America

5 individuals are recognized by their peers for their outstanding achievements and contributions to the community of geneticists

BETHESDA, MD -- October 15, 2012 -- The Genetics Society of America (GSA) is pleased to announce its 2013 award recipients. The five individuals honored are recognized by their peers for their outstanding achievements and contributions to the community of geneticists. They will receive their awards at GSA conferences during 2013.

"This year's award winners are an outstanding group of individuals who have all contributed in such powerful ways to the field of genetics in research, in education, and in fostering the genetics community. The GSA awards provide an opportunity for the genetics community as a whole to say a heartfelt thank you and to recognize those whose impressive achievements have advanced the science of genetics," said Phil Heiter, PhD, President of GSA.

The recipients of the 2013 GSA Awards are as follows:

  • Thomas D. Petes, PhD (Duke University) is awarded the Thomas Hunt Morgan Medal for lifetime contributions in the field of genetics.
  • Elaine A. Ostrander, PhD (National Institutes of Health, National Human Genome Research Institute) is awarded the Genetics Society of America Medal for outstanding contributions to the field of genetics in the last 15 years.
  • R. Scott Hawley, PhD (Stowers Institute for Medical Research) is awarded the George W. Beadle Award for outstanding contributions to the community of genetics researchers.
  • A. Malcolm Campbell, PhD (Davidson College) is awarded the Elizabeth W. Jones Award for Excellence in Education, which recognizes significant and sustained impact in genetics education.
  • Jonathan K. Pritchard, PhD (HHMI and University of Chicago) is awarded the Edward Novitski Prize, which recognizes an extraordinary level of creativity and intellectual ingenuity in solving a significant problem in genetics research.

Additional information about each of the awards and the recipients' achievement is listed below.

Recipient: Thomas D. Petes, PhD, Duke University
Award: The Thomas Hunt Morgan Medal

Dr. Petes is the Minnie Geller Professor in Genetics in the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, NC. He has made seminal research contributions that have furthered the understanding of the mechanisms of DNA damage and repair using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model system. His insights into comprehending genome stability and instability extend far beyond this model system, laying the foundation for much of our knowledge about how human cells replicate, protect, repair and combine their chromosomes. This has provided crucial understanding in identifying the gene defects of the most common form of hereditary colon cancer and in other human diseases.

In addition to his scientific achievements, Dr. Petes has mentored numerous outstanding scientists and has been an active member of GSA, having served as both secretary (1995) and president (2002) of the Society. He has been honored by election to the National Academy of Sciences (1999) and as a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2005), the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2005), and the American Academy of Microbiology (2009).

The Thomas Hunt Morgan Medal is named in honor of Thomas Hunt Morgan (1866), the classical geneticist who was a founder of modern genetics and the 1933 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine recipient for his studies of Drosophila and "the role played by the chromosome in heredity." The Morgan Medal recognizes genetics researchers whose body of work over their lifetime has substantively added to knowledge in the field and consequently has had great impact on its direction.

Recipient: Elaine A. Ostrander, PhD, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health
Award: The Genetics Society of America Medal

Dr. Ostrander is Chief of the Cancer Genetics Branch, Head of the Comparative Genetics Section, and NIH Distinguished Investigator at the National Human Genome Research Institute of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, MD. In addition to her work on human prostate and breast cancers, she is known throughout the scientific community as the world's foremost authority on canine genomics. She led the effort to sequence the dog genome and has played a principal role in the development of a host of other important canine genomics research tools, which have been used to better understand both human and canine disease susceptibility genes and the genetic architecture underlying mammalian morphological traits. She was the recipient of the Burroughs Wellcome Innovation Award in Functional Genomics (2000-2004) and the Asa Mays Award from the American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation (2005), and has received recognition from the NIH with the Group Merit Award (2008), the G. Burroughs Mider Lecture (2008) and the Distinguished Investigator Award (2011).

Award: The Genetics Society of America Medal was established by GSA to recognize elegant and highly meaningful contributions to genetics within the previous 15 years of their careers.

Recipient: R. Scott Hawley, PhD, Stowers Institute for Medical Research
Award: George W. Beadle Award

Dr. Hawley is an American Cancer Society Research Professor and Investigator at the Stowers Institute for Medical Research in Kansas City, MO, and as founding dean of The Graduate School of the Stowers Institute. He is also Professor of Molecular and Integrative Physiology at the University of Kansas School of Medicine. His seminal research contributions, using the model organism Drosophila melanogaster have revealed the function of many of the genes regulating and carrying out meiosis. In addition, he has developed tools, techniques and approaches for studying the chromosomal dynamics of this process.

Beyond his research, Dr. Hawley is an acclaimed teacher, mentor, textbook author, manuscript reviewer, and speaker who is extraordinarily giving of his time and talent to the community of genetics researchers and to the public. Among his many accomplishments, he helped launch the highly successful Gordon Research Conference on Meiosis in 1992, which continues to be held annually.

Dr. Hawley is a long-time, active member of GSA, including service as president (2010) and director (1996) of the Society. He has also held a number of editorial positions for the GSA journal GENETICS and is currently senior editor for the Society's journal G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics. In 2008 he received the GSA Excellence in Education Award recognizing his outstanding contribution to teaching and mentoring. He has also been honored by election to the National Academy of Sciences (2011), as a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2006) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2001), and as a Searle Scholar (1984).

The George W. Beadle Award honors individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the community of genetics researchers and exemplify the qualities of its namesake, who served as GSA's president in 1946. Beadle (1903) received the 1958 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work in in discovering that genes act by regulating definite chemical events. He was not only an outstanding researcher but also a leader in the educational and scientific communities serving as president of the University of Chicago (1961) and as a member of numerous influential national and international committees.

Recipient: A. Malcolm Campbell, PhD, Davidson College
Award: Elizabeth W. Jones Award for Excellence in Education

Dr. Campbell describes himself as "primarily a teacher but also a biologist." This emphasis on pedagogy and science led him to his current position as a Professor of Biology and director of the James G. Martin Genomics Program at Davidson College, a primarily undergraduate institution in Davidson, North Carolina. Dr. Campbell is also a writer and curriculum developer, having co-authored the first true genomics textbook for undergraduates, Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, and having developed the Genome Consortium for Active Teaching (GCAT). Since it was created in 2000, more than 360 undergraduate faculty have been trained to use the GCAT program, which combines mathematical, computer science and biology skills and knowledge to bring genomics into the undergraduate curriculum. Originally focusing on delivering affordable DNA microarray experiments to students, GCAT now also brings the tools and resources of synthetic biology and next generation sequencing to undergraduates nationwide. These resources have been used by more than 24,000 undergraduate students, who otherwise may have been unable to have this learning experience. Dr. Campbell was previously honored for his contributions to science education by The American Society for Cell Biology's Bruce Alberts Award for Excellence in Science Education (2006) and the Davidson College Hunter-Hamilton Love of Teaching Award (2008).

The Elizabeth W. Jones Award for Excellence in Education recognizes an individual or group that has had significant, sustained impact on genetics education at any level, from kindergarten through beyond graduate school. This award honors those who have promoted greater exposure to and deeper understanding of genetics. The award was named posthumously in 2008 for Elizabeth W. Jones (1939), a renowned geneticist and educator who was GSA president (1987), editor-in-chief of GSA's journal GENETICS (1996 2008) and the recipient of the first GSA Excellence in Education Award in 2007.

Recipient: Jonathan K. Pritchard, PhD, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and University of Chicago
Award: The Edward Novitski Prize

Dr. Pritchard is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator and a Professor in the Department of Human Genetics at the University of Chicago. Through collaborative activities, Dr. Pritchard has made contributions to our understanding of the causes and consequences of human molecular variation and adaptation. He and his team analyze genetic data using computational approaches to examine human genetic variation. With his colleagues he developed a model-based clustering approach, now available in a free software package named structure. This computational approach infers population structure and assigns individuals to different genetic populations. This method is now widely used in a range of fields such as human genetics, forensics, and perhaps most widely in molecular ecology and conservation genetics. He was named as both a Packard Fellow and Alfred P. Sloan Fellow in 2004, received the Mitchell Prize from the American Statistical Association and the International Society of Bayesian Analysis in 2002, and featured by Discover as one of the "20 Best Brains Under 40" in 2008.

The Edward Novitski Prize was established by GSA and the Novitski family to honor the memory of Edward Novitski (1918-2006), a Drosophila geneticist and lifelong GSA member, who specialized in chromosome mechanics and elucidating meiosis through the construction of modified chromosomes. The Prize recognizes an extraordinary level of creativity and intellectual ingenuity in the solution of significant problems in genetics research, a scientific achievement that stands out from the body of innovative work and solves a difficult problem in genetics.


For more information about each award and for a list of past recipients, please visit the GSA Awards page at


Founded in 1931, the Genetics Society of America (GSA) is the professional scientific society for genetics researchers and educators. Its nearly 5,000 members work to advance knowledge in the basic mechanisms of inheritance, from the molecular to the population level. GSA promotes research and fosters communication among geneticists worldwide through a number of GSA-sponsored conferences including the biennial conference on Model Organisms to Human Biology, an interdisciplinary meeting on current and cutting edge topics in genetics research, and annual and biennial meetings that focus on the genetics of particular model organisms. GSA publishes GENETICS, the leading journal for seminal research in the field and a new, online publication, G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, which publishes high quality foundational research, particularly research that generates useful genetic and genomic information. For more information about GSA, please visit Also follow GSA on Facebook at and on Twitter @GeneticsGSA.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Video: Fearless Felix jumps from edge of space

>>> suspenseful and awe-inspiring tv spectacle. one man's daredevil leap from a capsule from 22 miles above the earth. part marketing stunt or not. adventure felix baumgartner pushed the boundaries of human endurnance at almost 800 miles an hour. nbc's tom costello monitored the mission. he joins us from washington with more.

>> the team says that felix baumgartner broke the record for the highest jump ever, the highest free fall and he broke the sound barrier at mach 1 .

>> felix disconnect the oxygen hose.

>> reporter: there he was at 128,000 feet, standing quite literally on the edge of space, preparing to do what no one had done before, with his mom watching from mission control , 43-year-old felix baumgartner offered a few words most most part to understood. then he was gone, beginning a terrifying supersonic dive from 24 miles up. a white dot as he quickly passed 700 miles an hour.

>> speed 720 miles an hour.

>> reporter: the scene began well before sun rise as they prepared felix. baumgartner is no novice he's made harrowing dumps before from 15 and 18 miles up. but today was about breaking a free fall record that has stood since 1960 . the former austrian military paratrooper faced instant death. he told jay leno that fear is healthy. this morning after a brief burst of wind, baumgartner 's balloon got the green light . and 2 1/2 hours later, he was standing where no man had stood before.

>> and our guahe shot out like a bullet. exceeding the speed of sound , and then with a face mask fogging up, what looked like a terrifying out of control flat spin before he stabilized. finally 4 1/2 minutes later, baumgartner pulled his chute and floated to a landing in the new mexico desert.

>> you're out there, you do not want to die in front of your parents, your girlfriend.

>> reporter: it was ex extraordinary. nasa feels that there could be amount to be learned and the techniques that could be used on future nasa space missions .

>> what happened to the capsule?

>> it also came down via parachute in the new mexican desert and we're told it's


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Photo: Universal Pictures


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Sunday, October 14, 2012

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Libel trial to focus on Britney Spears' meltdown

FILE - This Jan. 31, 2008 video frame grab release by AP Television shows Sam Lutfi leaving UCLA medical center after visiting Britney Spears in Los Angeles. Testimony is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012, in a libel, defamation and breach of contract case filed against Spears and her parents by the singer?s former confidante and manager, Osama ?Sam? Lutfi. He is seeking a share of Spears? fortune and claims he has was unfairly vilified by the singer?s mother in her 2008 book, which accused Lutfi of drugging and isolating the pop star before she had to be hospitalized. (AP Photo/APTN, File)

FILE - This Jan. 31, 2008 video frame grab release by AP Television shows Sam Lutfi leaving UCLA medical center after visiting Britney Spears in Los Angeles. Testimony is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012, in a libel, defamation and breach of contract case filed against Spears and her parents by the singer?s former confidante and manager, Osama ?Sam? Lutfi. He is seeking a share of Spears? fortune and claims he has was unfairly vilified by the singer?s mother in her 2008 book, which accused Lutfi of drugging and isolating the pop star before she had to be hospitalized. (AP Photo/APTN, File)

FILE - In this Sept. 17, 2008 file photo released by NBC, Lynne Spears, mother of singer Britney Spears and actress Jamie Lynne Spears is shown on the set of NBC's "Today," program, in New York. Testimony is scheduled to begin Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012, in a case filed against Lynne Spears by her daughter?s former manager and confidante, who claims her 2008 book defamed and libeled him by stating that he was isolating and drugging the troubled pop star. (AP Photo/NBC, Heidi Gutman, File)

FILE - In this Feb. 11, 2012 file photo, singer Britney Spears arrives at the Pre-GRAMMY Gala & Salute to Industry Icons with Clive Davis honoring Richard Branson in Beverly Hills, Calif. Testimony is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012, in a libel, defamation and breach of contract case filed against Spears and her parents by the singer?s former confidante and manager, Osama ?Sam? Lutfi. He is seeking a share of Spears? fortune and claims he has was unfairly vilified by the singer?s mother in her 2008 book, which accused Lutfi of drugging and isolating the pop star before she had to be hospitalized. (AP Photo/Vince Bucci, file)

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Britney Spears' darkest days are about to be revisited in a Los Angeles courtroom, but not by the resurgent pop singer.

Instead jurors will begin hearing testimony next week on claims by Spears' former manager that he was vilified and unfairly blamed for the singer's public meltdown more than four years ago. Spears' parents are defendants and will likely testify, but the panel won't hear directly from the Grammy winner.

Former Spears confidante Sam Lutfi is seeking millions of dollars from Spears and her family, claiming her mother's book lied about him drugging and isolating the pop superstar. He is also seeking a portion of the singer's profits, claiming he was a key player in her 2007 album "Blackout" and had the right to serve as her manager for years.

Instead, the singer spent much of that time recovering under a court-ordered conservatorship, with her father and fiance continuing to exert control over her personal life. It is highly unlikely the star will be a witness during the trial, although a judge has said she will consider a request by Lutfi's attorney to call Spears as a witness mid-trial if necessary.

A probate judge overseeing Spears' conservatorship has ruled that the singer's caretakers should not allow her to testify "under any circumstances." Lutfi's attorney has cited the singer's record tour and her current role as a judge on Fox's "The X Factor" as reasons for why the singer should testify, but he may have to settle for the testimony of Spears' divorced parents, father Jamie Spears and mother Lynne Spears.

Jury selection began Friday and will continue on Tuesday, with opening statements expected later in the week.

The case is the culmination of years of acrimony between Lutfi and Spears' family and conservators, who successfully obtained a restraining order against him to keep him from contacting the singer or trying to intervene in her life. The order has expired, but conservatorship attorneys are seeking repayment for more than $93,000 in legal fees ? a judgment Lutfi is appealing.

Lutfi sued in February 2009, roughly a year after Spears was hospitalized and placed under the conservatorship to take control of her health and finances. The move by Jamie Spears came after months of erratic behavior by his daughter, including shaving her head, speaking in a British accent and other bizarre incidents that also led to her losing custody of her two sons with ex-husband Kevin Federline.

Lutfi was a constant presence around Spears during the tumultuous period. In his court case he maintains that he was trying to help her, though her parents paint a more sinister picture. They say Lutfi drugged and isolated their daughter ? cutting her phone line and hiding her cellphones ? and used the paparazzi as "henchmen."

Many of the claims were included in court filings used to obtain the conservatorship, but Lynne Spears included them in her 2008 book "Through the Storm: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World." Lutfi is suing for libel and defamation based on three chapters in the book that describe him as a "general" to the paparazzi and portray him as a man trying to manipulate not only the singer, but her mother.

Lutfi claims he was trying to aid Spears' career and help her regain custody of her children. The book's allegations have caused him to be "subjected to unfathomable amounts of ridicule and public scorn," his lawsuit states.

Lutfi's attorney, Joseph Schleimer, and attorneys for the Spears family declined comment on the trial, which may last nearly three weeks.

Lynne Spears' attorney, Stephen Rohde, has noted in pretrial hearings that the burden is on Lutfi to prove that the statements in the book are untrue and that his client knew they were false.

A judge has also limited the case against Jamie Spears, who Lutfi accuses of hitting him in the chest at the singer's house shortly before the conservatorship's establishment. Lutfi is no longer entitled to recoup damages for emotional distress if a jury finds that a battery occurred.


Anthony McCartney can be reached at

Associated Press


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Space shuttle Endeavour starts road trip to new LA home

LOS ANGELES | Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:19am EDT

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The retired space shuttle Endeavour set off on Friday for a road trip unlike any of its previous journeys, one in which it will crawl through the streets of Los Angeles instead of hurtling through space.

Endeavour nosed out of Los Angeles International Airport before dawn as it began a two-day ground journey atop a massive wheeled transporter to its final resting place at the California Science Center on the edge of downtown.

The hulking craft passed a media viewing point and headed down Westchester Parkway, with about 100 spectators watching.

"It's a national treasure; this is something that we all paid for with our taxes," Ken Phillips, aerospace curator at the science center, said before the shuttle's journey began.

The Endeavour flew from 1992 to 2011 and will go on public display this month. Phillips described the shuttle, which was largely built in southern California, as a workhorse for the U.S. space program.

The shuttle represented "the very best, I think, of what people can do when they decide to cooperate and do good things," he said.

The science center beat out a number of other institutions when the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) chose it as the permanent home for the 80-ton winged spaceship. It was taken out of service because of the end of the NASA shuttle program that began with a launch in 1981.

Endeavour hop-scotched across the country from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on the back of a modified Boeing 747. It was parked at the airport after arriving on September 21 following a ceremonial piggyback flight around California during which spectators on the ground cheered and wept.

Workers have felled 400 curbside trees along Endeavour's 12-mile (19-km) route to clear its way. The science center will plant more than 1,000 trees to make up for their removal.

Los Angeles City Councilwoman Jan Perry said that when Endeavour flew over the city last month, she and her colleagues ran up to the roof of City Hall where they watched it with tears in their eyes.


Perry said she remained apprehensive about the road journey, when she said Endeavour will pass through intersections with as little as six inches of clearance. She also anticipates large crowds along the way.

"It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the space shuttle come down your neighborhood street," Perry said. "How often does that happen?"

Los Angeles police were closing streets along the planned route for what organizers are calling "Mission 26," in reference to the shuttle's 25 previous missions into space.

Soon after rolling out of the airport, the shuttle will pass through the nearby city of Inglewood where on Saturday morning it will be the star in a massive rally outside an arena where the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team once played.

Later that day, it will stop at a shopping mall in south Los Angeles where officials will speak and a dance academy started by "Fame" actress Debbie Allen will perform.

Once it arrives at the science center, it will be displayed in a temporary, hangar-style metal structure to protect it from the elements. In 2017, a special pavilion will open in which Endeavour will stand vertically, Phillips said.

The other remaining spaceships from the shuttle program have also found homes. The Smithsonian in Washington has Discovery at its Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center museum in Virginia; New York City has the prototype shuttle Enterprise at its Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, and the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral in Florida has Atlantis, which the center will move to an on-site visitor complex next month.

(Reporting by Jason Redmond and Alex Dobuzinskis; Editing by Cynthia Johnston, Eric Walsh and Vicki Allen)


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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Competition 'insane' on all-star 'Apprentice'

By Randee Dawn, TODAY contributor

Love him or hate him, Donald Trump knows how to put on a reality show: The 13th season of "Celebrity Apprentice" won't just feature another slew of celebs -- the entire cast is an all-star slew of repeat names, including one winner and a lot of contentious personalities.

After a quick recap of Thursday night's vice-presidential debate, Trump and TODAY's Matt Lauer sat down Friday morning with most of the new cast to preview what to expect in the new season. On hand were Bret Michaels, Claudia Jordan, Gary Busey, Lisa Rinna, Lil Jon, Dee Snyder, Dennis Rodman, Brande Roderick, Stephen Baldwin, Trace Adkins, Marilu Henner and Penn Gillette. (The cast will also include?Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth and La Toya Jackson.)

Michaels, as Lauer noted, was the only one among them who had won before ("Celebrity Apprentice 3"). "But this year is going to be insane; the competition is going to be insane," Michaels said. "(Last time) I was really sick, and this time I'm ready to come back, being a lifelong diabetic."

Trace Atkins and Stephen Baldwin were not known as great co-workers from their last visit to the show in 2008 -- and it's hard to tell if they've made up or not. "I hate him," said Atkins.

"I think so far it's been very sweet and peaceful and calm, but that's kind of scary," said Baldwin.

Sounds like an intriguing recipe for the new season. "Celebrity Apprentice" returns in early 2013 on NBC.

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Friday, October 12, 2012

Keys to Long Lasting Vehicle | Maple Lake Automotive Repair ...

New cars cost so much these days. Add financing and insurance and, well a new vehicle may not seem so attractive. A lot of Maple Lake, Minnesota people are hoping to make their cars last a lot longer.

The good news is that with the current state of automotive engineering and manufacture, there?s no reason a modern vehicle can?t be made to last for a 150,000 miles or more.

There is an old saying that says, ?a stitch in time saves nine? and that is really true when it comes to taking care of your car. A great example is coolant service.

Over time, coolant becomes corrosive and actually starts to damage your radiator and other parts. That?s why you need to have your cooling system serviced on a regular schedule.

The same is true for your power steering system, brake fluid, air conditioning system, differential and transmission. And your oil changes should be done right on schedule to avoid the build up of harmful oil sludge.

Don?t let your brake pads go too long before they are worn to the point that they cause damage to rotors. Preventive maintenance is a great way to keep your operating costs down.

Replacing belts and hoses is much cheaper than repairing the damage that can be caused by failure.

Now this is a lot to remember. Maple Lake Automotive Repair can keep on top of this stuff. We can tell you what your manufacturer recommends and help you with a plan to take care of it.

Bottom line ? take care of this stuff on schedule and you will reduce operating costs, prevent costly damage and maintain your warranty coverage. Call Maple Lake Automotive Repair today for an appointment; you can reach us at 320-963-3815.

Take good care of your car, and it?ll take good care of you.

Maple Lake Automotive Repair
Give us a call today at 320-963-3815.
Or stop by at 300 St Hwy 55 W Maple Lake, MN 55358, Maple Lake, Minnesota 55358

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Syria activists say jihadis seize missile base

RETRANSMISSION FOR ALTERNATIVE CROP - A Syrian youth holds a child wounded by Syrian Army shelling near Dar El Shifa hospital in Aleppo, Syria, Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012. (AP Photo/ Manu Brabo)

RETRANSMISSION FOR ALTERNATIVE CROP - A Syrian youth holds a child wounded by Syrian Army shelling near Dar El Shifa hospital in Aleppo, Syria, Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012. (AP Photo/ Manu Brabo)

A Syrian man, wounded by Syrian Army shelling, cries while the bodies of his relatives lie on the street near Dar El Shifa hospital in Aleppo, Syria, Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012. (AP Photo/ Manu Brabo)

In this Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012 photo, nurses and doctors treat men, wounded by Syrian Army shelling, at Dar al-Shifa hospital in Aleppo, Syria. (AP Photo/Manu Brabo)

In this Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012 photo, the bodies of two Syrian children, killed by Syrian Army shelling, lie on the street near Dar al-Shifa hospital in Aleppo, Syria. (AP Photo/Manu Brabo)

In this Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2012 photo, a Free Syrian Army fighter comforts a child wounded by Syrian Army artillery shelling, at Dar El Shifa hospital in Aleppo, Syria. (AP Photo/ Manu Brabo)

(AP) ? A shadowy jihadi group believed to be linked to al-Qaida fought alongside rebels who seized a government missile defense base in Syria on Friday, activists said, heightening fears that extremists are taking advantage of the chaos to acquire advanced weapons.

Videos posted online Friday said to have been shot inside the base said the extremist group, Jabhat al-Nusra, participated in the overnight battle for the air defense base near the village of al-Taaneh, east of Aleppo in northern Syria. The videos show dozens of fighters inside the base near a radar tower, along with rows of large missiles, some on the backs of trucks.

A report by a correspondent with the Arabic satellite network Al-Jazeera who visited the base Friday said Jabhat al-Nusra had seized the base. The report showed a number of missiles and charred buildings, as fighters covered their faces with black cloths.

Two Aleppo-based activists and Rami Abdul-Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, also said Jabhat al-Nusra fought in the battle.

Little is known about Jabhat al-Nusra, or the Support Front, which began claiming attacks in Syria earlier this year in postings on jihadi forums often used by al-Qaida. While neither group has officially acknowledged the other, analysts say al-Nusra's tactics, jihadist rhetoric and use of al-Qaida forums point to an affiliation.

Western powers ? and many Syrians ? worry that Islamist extremists are playing an increasing role in Syria's civil war, which started in March 2011 as a mostly peaceful uprising against President Bashar Assad.

Activist say more than 32,000 people have been killed in the conflict.

Despite their opposition to the Assad regime, the U.S. and others have cited the presence of extremists among the rebels as a reason not to supply them with weapons. Rebel leaders argue that the lack of military aid leaves a vacuum that extremists can exploit.

The base captured Friday is part of the large air defense infrastructure Syria has built across the country over the years, mostly for use in a possible war with archenemy Israel.

Last week, the rebels reported seizing another air defense base outside the capital, Damascus, as well as a base in the southern province of Daraa. Online videos shows them torching vehicles and seizing boxes of ammunition in the Daraa base.

The storming of such bases by rebels from inside Syria embarrasses the Assad regime, though it is unclear if the rebels have the know-how to deploy these bases' weapons.

Nor is it clear if the rebels are holding the bases after storming them.

Friday's Al-Jazeera report said rebels were already preparing to withdraw, fearing airstrikes by regime jets ? a threat rebels can do little about.

Rebel forces have been vulnerable to airstrikes by the Syrian military, though they have shot down a few attack helicopters and claim to have downed at least one warplane.

One Aleppo activist said the rebels had taken all the munitions they could from the newly captured base, and he hoped they could find a way to use the missiles against Assad's air force.

"We have asked all countries to help us with anti-aircraft weapons and no one has, so hopefully these will help," said the activist, Mohammed Saeed.

Associated Press


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US: Russia policy on Syria is 'morally bankrupt'

(AP) ? The Obama administration on Friday accused Russia of pursuing a "morally bankrupt" policy in Syria, following Turkey's seizure of alleged Russian military equipment from a Syrian plane headed from Moscow to Damascus.

The State Department said it had "grave concern" that Russia is continuing to supply Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime with materiel that could be used to bolster its fight against rebels.

"We have no doubt that this was serious military equipment," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters, referring to the cargo that was taken from the plane.

Turkish fighter jets on Wednesday intercepted the Syrian Air flight from Moscow and seized what it said what it said was ammunition and military equipment for the Syrian Defense Ministry.

But Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the plane was legally carrying Russian radar parts for Syria.

Lavrov insisted the shipment of "electric equipment for radars" was legitimate cargo that complied with international law, but he added that it was of "dual purpose," meaning it could have civilian and military applications. Syria has branded the incident piracy and Russia said the action endangered the lives of Russian citizens aboard the aircraft.

The U.S. acknowledges the shipments are legal but only because Russia along with China, has repeatedly blocked efforts to impose sanctions, including an arms embargo, on the Assad regime at the U.N. Security Council.

Russia and China have been harshly criticized for their stance by the U.S. and its allies, and Nuland took that criticism a step further on Friday.

"There are no Security Council sanctions on Syria because Security Council members Russia and China continue to block them," she said. "Everybody else on the Security Council is doing what it can unilaterally to ensure that the Assad regime is not getting support from the outside."

"No responsible country ought to be aiding and abetting the war machine of the Assad regime and particularly those with responsibilities for global peace and security as U.N. Security Council members have," she said. She added that the shipment was "legally correct but the policy is still morally bankrupt."

Associated Press


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