Monday, June 24, 2013


CommaFeed (free) straddles two worlds. It offers a Web-based RSS feed reader to be your Google Reader placement: import your feeds and you are good to go in an environment that looks almost like Google Reader. It also lets the intrepid DIY-er download the actual software from GitHub to build a personal RSS reader on RedHat's OpenShift platform. Build it, and you will never have to worry about losing your RSS reader ever again.

If you don't want to deal with code, you just register for an account on If you are looking for a Google Reader replacement, you check off the "Google Reader import" box to kick off the automatic import. To do so, you have to enter your Google credentials on the second screen of the registration process to let CommaFeed handle the import. If the idea of giving your login credentials to a random Website skeeves you out (as it does for me) you leave the box unchecked and just do the manual import later. Giving the user a choice wins CommaFeed good karma points.

Here is bonus karma: You can poke around the almost-full-featured demo to try it out before signing up. I am so tired of having to register an account just to try out a service.

CommaFeed's interface looks really similar to the classic Google Reader, and many of the keyboard shortcuts are the same. The team has promised to add the remaining shortcuts soon. You can also use the built-in sharing options to share posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or Instapaper. Themes are coming, and if you know a little CSS or HTML, you can modify the look and feel anyway you like.

You can also filter the screen to view just the unread items, mark everything in a feed as read, or sort items by date. The search engine lets you find related posts. It was one of my favorite things about Google Reader and I am thrilled CommaFeed included it.

You can toggle between the option to see only headlines, or headline plus a summary underneath. Google Reader lets me see the first few words of the story in headline view; CommaFeed doesn't. Headline view really is just the headline. I kind of miss it, but it's a minor quibble in the grand scheme of things.

Subscribing to a new feed is as simple as clicking the Subscribe button and pasting a feed URL. Removing it is just a matter of selecting the feed on the left sidebar and clicking on the wrench icon. This brings up the feed details page, and you just hit "Unsubscribe." You can change feed details, such as renaming it, changing the category, and changing the order it shows up in the list of feeds.

There isn't any mobile support, which is a bit of a disappointment. It's not a deal-breaker for me since I generally read via my Web browser, even on my mobile devices, but I know a lot of people prefer using native apps. If you are one of them, look at Feedly?or check out the iOS app for Digg Reader.

The site's popularity has surged in the past few days, which has impacted performance. Even so, it hasn't felt particularly sluggish or difficult to use. In fact, I am feeling forgiving because it's clear the team is actually trying to address the performance issues and improve the service with the influx of new users.

I like CommaFeed, and it is almost as good as Editors' Choice?G2Reader, but what really gets me excited is its build-your-own-reader capabilities. I originally tried Tiny Tiny RSS (a PHP application) and was frustrated at how sluggish the application was, so I was nervous about trying CommaFeed (a Java server application). I needn't have worried, because CommaFeed was quite easy to install and I had no performance issues.

CommaFeed is much more flexible, as it can be installed on either Windows or Linux (provided you install a Web server such as Tomcat). I also liked the fact that the GitHub repository had instructions on how to throw up CommaFeed onto RedHat's OpenShift cloud platform (which uses JBoss). I also liked the fact that CommaFeed can be installed on either Windows or Linux. The instructions are thorough for an open source project, but a little opaque to anyone new to server management or building code. Keep Google handy for assistance.

If you want to try OpenShift, the GitHub README file links to a detailed and well-done "alternate" instruction manual that really smoothes out all the bumps in the process.

Overall, CommaFeed is one of the best alternatives to Google Reader that I've ever used, and I am right now trying to decide if I am going to stick with the Web-based version, the version on my server, or OpenShift. It's a great dilemma to have, really. The interface and usability is on par with The Old Reader, but the platform has a little bit more growing up to do before it can completely take on our Editors' Choice G2Reader. But if you want to host your own RSS Reader, you can't go wrong with CommaFeed.


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Report: Bomb hits Syrian capital

AMMAN, Jordan (AP) ? Syrian media say a bomb has gone off behind a bakery in the capital Damascus, causing casualties.

The Sunday blast hit the Ruken al-Deen neighborhood, the state SANA news agency reported.

It said the bomb caused casualties, but did not say how many.

President Bashar Assad's forces are on the offensive against rebels in districts outside Damascus that are used as launching pads to attack the capita .


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Why Comprehensive Cancer Care is Important

There's more to treating cancer than eliminating the disease itself. The Cancer Support Community, a nonprofit committed to ensuring "whole patient" care, stands by this idea, providing social and emotional support to all those affected by the disease. On Thursday, the organization launched its Cancer Policy Institute as a step toward ensuring that everyone can have access to affordable and comprehensive cancer treatment.

"At a time when there are multiple viewpoints about how to approach health care, and [the country] stands on the cusp of implementing large structural changes to the health care system, we are here because we want the best possible outcomes for people with cancer and their families," said Kim Thiboldeaux, president and CEO of the Cancer Support Community.

The Wellness Community and Gilda's Club Worldwide joined forces in 2009 to create CSC, and the organization's mission is now "to ensure that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action and sustained by community." In 2012, CSC provided more than $40 million in services, such as support groups, educational workshops, exercise programs and social activities, to patients and their families.

[Read: What Causes Cancer? 7 Strange Cancer Claims Explained.]

The cause

In 2008, the Institute of Medicine released a report linking positive social and emotional support to better patient outcomes throughout a cancer treatment process. Modern cancer care offers many state-of-the-art treatments, but those procedures frequently fail to address the psychological and psychosocial issues often associated with the illness, according to the study.

Given treatments, expenses, lifestyle changes and the fear of the unknown, it is not uncommon for people battling cancer to become overwhelmed. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., and a breast cancer survivor, knows those feelings firsthand. "My experience taught me about the importance of treating the whole person, not just the illness," Wasserman said on Thursday. "Cancer is not just frightening for those going through treatment. We need a safe and strong place to all come together."

After undergoing seven surgeries, Wasserman is proud to say she is cancer-free and continues to push for comprehensive care. "More and more young people are getting cancer, and metastatic rates are not going down," she said. "We've made progress, but there is certainly a long way to go."

[Read: Diet Changes That Might Cut Breast Cancer Risk.]

By the numbers

Ezekiel Emanuel, the keynote speaker at the Cancer Policy Institute launch, said $2.87 trillion was spent on health care in the United States, including $979 billion in federal spending, in 2012. To put this in perspective, if you compare that number to overall gross domestic products of other countries, the U.S. health care system is the fifth-largest economy in the world, he said.

So where does all this money go? "When you think about the health care system, you have to understand that health care costs and quality of care is not uniformly distributed across the population," said Emanuel, who is also the vice provost for Global Initiatives and chair of the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy at the University of Pennsylvania. Approximately 50 percent of the population doesn't participate in the health care system, he explained. This portion is made up of younger, healthy individuals. People who periodically receive medical assistance, such as those with allergies or who are more prone to colds and the flu, make up another 40 percent of the population. The remaining 10 percent, which includes cancer patients, is the portion of the population that utilizes the most health care dollars.

"If [we] want to improve the system, we will have to focus on those patients because those are the ones who are high-cost and where there are quality problems," Emanuel said.

The cost of cancer treatment has risen approximately 600 percent over the past 30 years, according to Emanuel. From the patient-centric perspective of CSC and the Cancer Policy Institute, more comprehensive health coverage could benefit cancer patients several ways, including financially. When patients are more aware of their health care options, they can choose more cost-effective treatments, share decision-making processes with their doctors and have a better overall treatment experience, Emanuel said.

"We need to figure out how to change how we are delivering care," Emanuel said. "No person should go through cancer alone, and no person should go through an uncoordinated, disjointed system where they are suffering from cancer, have to do all the running around and do all the navigation themselves."

[Read: Free Services for Women With Breast Cancer.]

Moving forward

CSC's public policy efforts will continue "so that no one faces cancer alone," according to Institute supporters. "It's absolutely needed, and it's something that our patients and volunteers very much want," said Dick Woodruff, vice president of federal relations and strategic alliances for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network. "ACS CAN currently has two bills pending in the House specifically related to improving patient quality of life through the provision of wider access to palliative care, throughout all health care settings, so it's not only something we fully support, but it's something we are actively working on as well."

Last week alone, CSC affiliates had more than 50 scheduled meetings with Capitol Hill representatives regarding health care policy changes stemming from the launch of the Cancer Policy Institute. "There is a lot yet to do to make change and improve cancer care in America, and we are fully committed to putting all our resources, energy and passion behind it," Thiboldeaux said. "We are very excited to move forward with these issues."

[Read: Singer Andrew McMahon on Overcoming Cancer.]


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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Gunmen kill 11 foreign tourists in Pakistan

(AP) ? Gunmen killed 11 foreign tourists before dawn Sunday as they were visiting one of the world's highest mountains in a remote area of northern Pakistan, police said.

The tourists from Russia, China and the Ukraine were shot dead at the base camp of Nanga Parbat, the ninth highest mountain in the world, said local police chief Barkat Ali. It's unclear if they were planning to climb the mountain or were just visiting the base camp, which is located in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan.

The police chief learned about the attack when the tourists' local guide called the police station around 1 a.m. local time on Sunday, said Ali.

No one has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Pakistan is home to several insurgencies and internal conflicts but Gilgit-Baltistan is generally a peaceful area, although it has experienced some sectarian violence between Sunni and Shiite Muslims in recent years. The area is a popular destination for tourists because it includes a large number of very tall mountains in the Himalayan and Karakoram ranges, including K2, the second highest mountain in the world.

Associated Press


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Ore. agency blames pesticide for bumble bee kill

WILSONVILLE, Ore. (AP) ? Oregon officials say a pesticide is to blame for the deaths of tens of thousands of bumble bees in a shopping center parking lot southwest of Portland.

The state Department of Agriculture said Friday that tests on bees and foliage showed the deaths are "directly related to a pesticide application on linden trees" that was meant to control aphids.

It said an investigation is under way to see if the application of the pesticide Safari, done last Saturday, violated the law.

The Oregonian reports that the Agriculture Department, the City of Wilsonville, neighboring towns and some local landscape contractors have covered the sprayed trees with netting in an effort to prevent further insect deaths.

The Xerces (ZERK'-zees) Society for Invertebrate Conservation has upped its estimate of the bee kill to 50,000. Spokesman Scott Black calls that a very conservative number.


Information from: The Oregonian,


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A year in asylum, Assange digs in for the long haul

The Wikileaks founder says even if the Swedish investigation against him were dropped, he would not leave his 'space station' existence in the Ecuadorean embassy in London.

By Sara Miller Llana,?Staff writer / June 19, 2013

Supporters of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange show letters that read 'Free Assange' as they wait for his appearance in front of the Ecuadorian embassy in London Sunday. Today marks the anniversary of Mr. Assange seeking sanctuary in the embassy, where he is trying to avoid being extradited to

Frank Augstein/AP


It?s been a year since Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, walked into the Ecuadorean embassy in London and sought political asylum, living there ever since as if in a ?space station.?

Skip to next paragraph Sara Miller Llana

Europe Bureau Chief

Sara Miller Llana?moved to Paris in April 2013 to become the Monitor's Europe Bureau?Chief. Previously she was the?paper's?Latin America Bureau Chief, based in Mexico City, from 2006 to 2013.

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In an interview with various news outlets marking today?s anniversary, he said that even if Sweden were to drop its investigation into sex allegations against him, he plans to stay put. That means London faces the prospect of an unusual guest for years to come.

"I wouldn't say I wouldn't leave," he said. But "my lawyers have advised me I shouldn't leave the embassy because of the risk of arrest and extradition to the United States."

Mr. Assange?s plight has drawn in equal measure support and disdain. Some call him a criminal and danger to security, others a crusader of freedom of information. And those same divides are apparent within the United Kingdom itself: just read the comments section of any Guardian article on the Wikileaks head, and the range of views are obvious.?

But it appears the UK, after a year hosting Assange, does not want another leaker in its midst. Britain last week warned global airlines not to let Edward Snowden, the American contractor who identified himself as the source of the leak about widespread American surveillance programs called PRISM, into British territory. And this was before Mr. Snowden released documents showing British intelligence spying on foreign diplomats at a G20 in London in 2009.

Assange linked Britain?s position on Snowden?to his own, saying the country "doesn't want to end up with another Julian Assange," he said. Yet, Assange said, the UK should consider Snowden a hero and offer him asylum.

That?s not something that Britain was willing to do for Assange, who walked into the Ecuadorean embassy last June after the British government said it would send him to Sweden, where he faces questioning over sexual assault and rape. Assange, who maintains his innocence in that case, says his real fear is being extradited to the US for being behind one of the biggest leaks of confidential documents in US history.

Ecuador has granted Assange asylum, but he cannot leave the embassy in London because Britain promises to arrest him if he does. Recent talks between Ecuador and the UK did nothing to end the stalemate. So the status quo remains: Assange living without natural sunlight, relying on a sun lamp instead, and working 17-hour days in front of his computer, he says, with police on constant guard. He?s likened his circumstances to living in a space station.

Assange is not the only one to compare himself to Snowden. After Snowden answered questions on an online chat this week, Zeke Miller, in Time, draws parallels between the two men.??There were other clear echoes of Assange?s?past remarks?in Snowden?s responses Monday. Both men suggest that much, if not all, American spying abroad is wrong, including the spying on allies and foreign leaders that perhaps every government has practiced for decades, if not centuries,? Miller writes.

Assange has drawn critics who fault him for putting global security at risk, but also has his share of detractors who distinguish the issue of Wikileaks from the separate sex allegations he faces.

Snowden, meanwhile, has gotten some support in Britain for leaking information about PRISM, says?Orla Lynskey, a lecturer in law at the London School of Economics and Political Science. ?What really struck people here was the disproportionate nature of that kind of intelligence, the blanket surveillance,? Ms. Lynskey says. ?That?s where Snowden gets some support.?


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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Watson drops into 3-way tie at Travelers

CROMWELL (AP) ? Charley Hoffman lost his chance at winning last year's Travelers Championship on the 71st hole.

His tee shot on the difficult par-4 17th at the TPC of River Highlands found the pond that runs along the fairway and he finished second, missing out on his third PGA Tour win.

This year Hoffman is in a three-way tie for the lead heading into Sunday's final round and he expects a different outcome.

"Obviously if I get on 17 tee (in the lead), I'd be lying to say I'm not going to think about that tee shot," Hoffman said Saturday after his 4-under 66 tied him with Bubba Watson and Graham DeLaet at 10-under 200.

"But I'm a much more mature, better player than I was a year ago and don't feel uncomfortable on that tee shot."

Watson, who led by two shots when he began the third round and by four shots midway through it, made three bogeys in his last six holes to help create the logjam. DeLaet tied for the low round of the day with a 65.

Chris Stroud and Nick O'Hearn are one shot back of the leaders at 9 under, while Ken Duke's 65 put him alone in sixth place.

Justin Rose, less than a week after his U.S. Open victory, is 7 under and in a tie for seventh after a second straight 68.

After shooting a 61 in the opening round, Hoffman struggled and shot 73 on Friday. He bounced back with a 66 Saturday that included five birdies.

"I got off to a pretty quick start and then birdied 10, thought I was going to get going again," Hoffman said. "And then a little three-putt bogey on 12 sort of slowed things down."

Watson made three birdies in his first six holes Saturday and was ahead by four shots after the third. But bogeys on Nos. 13, 15 and 17 brought the 2011 Masters champion back to the field.

Watson, who won the 2010 Travelers, is trying to become the seventh man to win the event at least twice. Arnold Palmer and Phil Mickelson have also done it.

"I hit some shots today that were really good, quality shots," said Watson, who shot an even-par 70. "I got a couple bad breaks here and there, but that's golf. At the end of the day I still have a chance on Sunday and that's what we're always looking for."

DeLaet may be playing this week in New England but many of his thoughts are about his native Canada. The heavy rain and flooding in Alberta forced the PGA Tour Canada to cancel its event this week, just one of the many issues the area is facing.

The 2009 Canadian Tour player of the year has pledged to donate $1,000 for every birdie he makes this weekend and $2,500 for every eagle to help the relief efforts.

"It's a pretty small part, what we're doing, but anything helps," said DeLaet, a native of Weyburn, Saskatchewan. "There's a lot of help from everyone all across Canada."

DeLaet first made it to 10 under after beginning his back nine with four straight birdies. A bogey at the difficult par-3 16th put a slight damper on his round, but DeLaet finished strong by delicately rolling in a downhill putt from the fringe on the 18th hole.

"I did play well pretty much all day. I had a lot of good birdie chances on the front nine, just couldn't really seem to find the hole," DeLaet said. "Julien (Trudeau), my caddie, just told me to stay patient."

Watson began the day with a two-shot lead and immediately began to extend it. After saving par on the first hole with a sliding, 7-foot putt, Watson made birdie at No. 2 by hitting a wedge some 2 feet from the hole. He followed that by draining a 30-foot putt from the front edge on No. 3 for a second straight birdie.

Another birdie at the par-5 sixth gave Watson a four-shot lead and he seemed ready to lap the field. Watson also made relatively lengthy par-saving putts on Nos. 7 and 10.

The smallest cracks in Watson's armor appeared at the par-5 13th, where his drive faded too far left and ended up in a fairway bunker.

He was still short of the green after three shots and eventually made bogey, his first of the day and first in his last 30 holes.

He made another bogey at the easiest hole at the TPC of River Highlands, the 296-yard, par-4 15th. His drive left him just 50 feet from the hole but his putt through the fringe didn't make it up the steep hill in front of the green. A chip and two putts followed, moving Watson back to 11 under.

Watson's final bogey came on the 17th and was the result of a tee shot pushed left into a fairway bunker.

The lack of rain recently combined with an increase in the wind late Saturday made TPC of River Highlands, one of the shortest courses on tour, increasingly difficult for the players.

"I think we've never seen the golf course like this, as firm as it is and as firm as some of the greens are," Watson said. "It's hard to get to certain points, so a lot of people probably played it safe."


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Serious About Succeeding at Your Internet Business? Then What ...

HTML Ready Article. Click on the "Copy" button to copy into your clipboard.

By: Jason Deter

Those who are new to internet marketing often have no idea about the massive effect their habits will have on what they are about to do. There is a lot we can do to improve our chances of success, and taking-in and making the following habits your very own will be a great start.

Excellent business relations are the cornerstone of many businesses around the world. Whether it's with your subscribers, visitors or other Internet marketers, the only way you can make it big here is by focusing on building effective relationships.

Creating and nurturing new relationships in the Internet marketing world doesn't have to be a scary experience; once you start doing it you'll realize what you've been missing. Do not try to get over on people because that is not the basis for a positive and beneficial business relationship. Focus on how you interact with all others you are in contact with in your business. One important area that many internet marketers avoid dealing with is cultivating effective habits related to managing their time. If you are not making any money, then that is one thing; but if you are busy in your business then this can make a huge impact. It can be easy to get out of sync with things especially if you have a family and other important commitments. One great place to begin is by figuring out how you spend your time during your business days. If you are not an aggressive business growth person, then that is fine and maybe this will not matter so much for you. You need to devote quality time to all you do so everything gets done in the proper way.

Each time your results are not what you planned, then get in the habit of learning from that experience. So what is needed in order to not let failure hold you down or slow you down? We all have our unique methods of coping with frustrations and setbacks, but the most important with this is to accept that it will happen no matter what you do. Keep in mind this has nothing to do with your worth as a person, and it does not mean it is who or what you really are. Changing how you respond to failure or setbacks will take time, so just resolve to working on it every day. Think of forming effective habits as a form of investment for your online business. If you are not afraid or lazy, then there is nothing stopping you from doing this.

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Andrew W.K. Relives 'Pain' Of Record-Setting 24-Hour Drum Session

MTV News catches up with the record-holder after the O Music Awards to find out just how he got through it.
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Friday, June 21, 2013

Kardashian, West name baby girl North

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have taken a new direction in naming their baby girl.

They're calling her North ? as in North West.

The Los Angeles County birth certificate says little North was born to the celebrity and her rapper boyfriend at 5:34 a.m. Saturday at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

The certificate doesn't mention a middle name. It also doesn't list her hair or eye color or weight.

The child was born several weeks early but Kardashian's sister Khloe has said that mom and baby are healthy.


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Strong Advice For Coping with Your A bankruptcy proceeding ...

In terms of filing for bankruptcy, there are each positives and downsides. Whatever your explanation may be for undergoing with it, you need to know whenever possible regarding it before you start. The ideas you have just read through are a fantastic self-help guide to making the individual bankruptcy method go clean. Use these suggestions and you?ll observe how they cause you to feel much better about coping with the processs. Filing for bankruptcy is never a pleasant practical experience. Make use of the suggestions in this post that adheres to so as to understand all of your choices kuchnie katowice . Often be truthful and forthright in relation to your money. As opposed to getting the lawyer through the phone book or on the Internet, check around and acquire individual tips. There are a number of firms who might make the most of your position, and it?s significant to make sure your a bankruptcy proceeding could go efficiently invest some time and choose someone you can rely. Make sure you retain the services of legal counsel prior to deciding to begin with declaring bankruptcy.You possibly will not comprehend all your case.A lawyer which specializes in bankruptcy attorney can assist you along throughout the appropriate treatments with your submitting. Make sure that a bankruptcy proceeding is really the best choice. You could be capable of director gets quicker by consolidating them. It might be quite stress filled to endure the lengthy approach to file for private bankruptcy. It is going to affect your credit rating as time passes. This is why you discover your other personal debt reduction options initially. This process for bankruptcy is hard. Many individuals believe they ought to cover up from every person right up until this really is all completed. This is not advised simply because keeping yourself by itself could cause severe troubles with depression.So, it is critical that you simply devote what quality hrs you can with loved ones, whatever the recent financial circumstances. Prior to choosing Section 7 bankruptcy, consider what effect that will have on any co-signers you might have, such as relatives or partners. Nevertheless, if you had a co-debtor, which spell monetary catastrophe to them. Know your rights you have as you file for bankruptcy. Some expenses hobbyists will endeavour to let you know that the debt with them simply cannot be bankrupted. There are only three principal lessons of outstanding debts which are no-dischargable: income taxes, education loans and supporting your children for example.When you are unclear about particular kinds of personal debt, then are convinced that company in your neighborhood attorney general?s office. Make a list of economic info on your financial situation before filing. If you forget about any items, or perhaps even dismissed. This fiscal information may include earnings from area work, additional cars and outstanding personalized personal loans. This can be thought of as scams, and you may be forced in paying everything returning to credit card providers. Be mindful if you are planning to pay your financial obligations prior to deciding to declare bankruptcy. The legal guidelines relating to a bankruptcy proceeding generally prevent you from paying back some lenders for up to 90 days prior to submitting, and family members to a calendar year! Look at the rules prior to you making any choices about your financial situation. Some lawyers have a phone service free of charge in which loan providers can contact as an alternative to you. This ought to placed an end to frustrating phone calls from hobbyists. Make sure that your financial obligations are in the release to help you prevent processing unnecessarily. Obligations like student education loans may remain your credit report whether you data file or not. You might want to consider contacting that loan loan consolidation or credit maintenance company rather than declaring bankruptcy. If financial stress is allowing you to end up obtaining stressed out around filing for bankruptcy might help. The internet allows you to a location to discuss your struggles and seek suggestions from all those who?ve previously filed for a bankruptcy proceeding. Regardless if your lawyer fulfills out your paperwork, it is up to you to make certain things are correct. Keep in mind that you are currently not the attorney?s only consumer, so specifics may be kept in mind or may need to be described once again. This is why it is crucial for you to personally dual-look into the information and facts that each and every little forms is accurate. When issues look like a bankruptcy proceeding may be your only alternative, review the individual bankruptcy laws and regulations particular to your state the very best you may. Your hard earned dollars future is at risk, allows you to guard your future. Whilst laws are different in each and every express, it is very tough to have education loan debt discharged. You may have to kuchnie nolte show excessive fiscal hardship for your education loans to get discharged. Jot down inquiries which you might have prior to browsing an attorney with regards to filing for bankruptcy. Ensure that you are aware of which is happening when it comes to your bankruptcy circumstance. You have to provide them with information about lenders, private hospitals, at the same time, even household. Look for a individual bankruptcy attorney that includes a good standing in your community you reside in. Once you?ve nailed one downward, contact and inquire if they provide a totally free consultation. Get your entire monetary information and facts when seeing a appointment.A great lawyer or attorney will respond to questions you understand the procedure. Filing for personal personal bankruptcy really should not be awkward by you. A lot of people fall into depressive disorders and sense useless because of the financial situation. When you are nicely-well informed and get made a aware and logical decision to file for bankruptcy, look at it as building a optimistic element of reclaiming your money rather than viewing it as a failing. You might have a lot of chats with loan companies well before declaring individual bankruptcy. Be sure to receive replicates of what you make.


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Sheldon Adelson Attacks Online Gambling - Business Insider

Sheldon Adelson

Uriel Sinai/Getty Images

Sheldon Adelson is the CEO of mega casino company Las Vegas Sands.

You might think that his business would feel threatened if online gambling became legal, and gamblers no longer had to enter his physical casinos.

Thus it's no surprise that during an interview on BloombergTV, Adelson slammed online gambling as a toxic trainwreck.

Of course, he doesn't say he's against online gambling because it will hurt his business. He says it's all about society and the possibility that gamblers will get too hooked.

You can watch the full interview here. The text, via BloombergTV, is below the dotted line


Adelson on online gambling:
??They are not getting wrong. I just had lunch with Steve Wynn. He is not totally against what I am saying. He discussed with me on his the potential impact on his property and my property in Las Vegas because we have two different markets. It really will not affect us one way or the other. I bring this up not because it is a business issue, but because I am citizen of the United States, a veteran of the Korean War, a father, a grandfather I am a patriot and I care about this country? I am not going to stand by knowing what I know, experienced what I experienced and not speak out. We did an eight country survey in Europe because we are contemplating doing a major development there and we found that the eight country that allow full internet gambling has gone up an average of 28% when the land-based casinos have gone down from 3-6% or stayed exactly even with a previously anticipated 5-10% growth factor. For 10 years, if you factor in 5-10% growth factor or even if you just stay even it is a great loss. I have 2 teenage boys. They get addicted to everything that is on the TV. When they talk about Gary Loveman only wants Poker. Gary Loverman and MGM have their own challenges. I do not have Challenges? We made billions of dollars last year. It is not a money issue with me. I think it is a train wreck. It?s really toxicity. It is a cancer waiting to happen.?

On cynics saying he is just trying to protect his rural land-based casino empire:
?First of all, let me tell you that the casinos account for less than 10% of my total gross income and EBITDA. I do have my properties in Vegas at $350 Million EBITDA. I do it in one property. In Macau or Singapore. Singapore last year made five times what our property earns in the United States. We are not intending to get into it. ?I?m just telling you any skeptic could say that money is the consideration. Money is not a consideration. Money is not a consideration with me. If you just look at where I stand in Forbes rating, No. 15 in the world, making $200 million extra is not an incentive for me.?

On whether he wants a piece of potential revenue from online gambling following reports that Europe had $32 Million in online gambling revenue:
?No. No. I don?t want it. It is not $32 Billion in Europe. If you want, we had a study done from eight countries from one of the betting gaining researchers in the world. What do you do with a kid that is either underage or of age with student loans? It is very easy for them to get pressured by peers to go and gamble white they are drunk or doing drugs.?

On whether that is different from land-based casinos:
?Of course it is?No land-based casino would somebody that?s our of control of themselves to sit and gamble? Let?s say one thing for sure, it?s an adult who gets dressed, gets in the car, comes with friends, goes to a place, they have a bueffet, they play, they go bowling and they play for a couple of hours hours on the tables and they enjoy themselves as entertainment, this not dressing in your Birthday suit, taking your computer into bed, and it is not underage kids that get set up by of-age kids, and they play until they lose all of their money. I believe that poker and other forms of gambling, poker particularly since it?s considered a social activity and not gambling per se, kids will get up in the middle of the night if they cannot sleep, or they come home late, and they challenge each other to say, let?s play some power or some blackjack. They are going to lose.?

On not making an exception for the skills based Poker:
?That skill base is, in my opinion, just a bunch of baloney. To get a card is not skill base. I know people say it is skill based, but it?s just so they can categorize it in a certain segment.?

On making an exception for online poker:
?Absolutely not. Look, I?m a father, grandfather. I do not want my children ? I?m a veteran of the Korean War. I do not want my children to have the opportunity to become addicted to gaming. And poker, in my opinion, would become one of the most addictive games. People do not get addicted to necessarily playing blackjack. They get addicted for the game. It is one of the many compulsive behaviors and somebody is addicted to gaming, they are addicted to some other compulsive behaviors. Can you tell me one good reason why internet gaming should be allowed.?

On the argument that online gaming brings in state tax revenues:
?You could also make that argument for legalizing heroin and cocaine and prostitution. You can create a lot of sin tax for the government to make money.?
On Jeff Bezos saying that internet gaming being the next logical step for the business:

?Well, why don?t we say that other sins, crime, mugging, thievery, well kind of make that mobile too simply because everything is mobile? And what makes Jeff Bezos and Eric Schmidt a lot smarter. I?ve got 68 years of being in businesses. I?ve created over 50 businesses and never failed in one. I have recreated the hotel and gaming industry worldwide with a concept of integrated resources. I do not need any more money. Being the 15th richest man in the world does not make incentive to make a couple hundred million dollars more.
On Governor Christie legalizing online gaming in the Garden State:
?I live Governor Christie. I talk to him. ?He said he was about to be overridden anyway. He said it was about to be overridden or over-vetoed or whatever you call it. I like Governor Christie, but I?m not making any commitments. I like other candidates as well.?

On whether Governor Christie authorizing online gambling in New Jersey bothers him enough to punish him:
?I don?t reward or punish politicians. It?s not my job. I?m only one vote, but that of my family. I do support a lot of politicians, but I do so because of their ideology and their sharing of values with me? I am not trying to be a dictator. I?m trying to live my live as a normal person. I can speak up because I?m an expert on the subject. The largest gaming and hospitality company in the world. I want to sound boastful, but we earned more money than the top three or four hotel companies combined. We have accomplished an awful lot. I have talked to some politicians about it and they agree with me. It?s the first time in history of their office that a citizen has come in and said, please don?t pass a law that will make more money for me.?

On many being surprised he does not hold it against Gov. Christie:

?People are surprised by a lot of thing I do or don?t do.?


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Friday, May 3, 2013

Why You Should Buy Commercial Property For Your Business

It?s harder to find commercial properties. Although there are plenty of commercial investments in the market, these buildings don?t get preferential listings in classified ads or real estate catalogs as do residential listings. You have to search for the best possible deals to find the best options for your investment. This article will provide you with all the pertinent information.

Make sure that you invest some time researching local income levels and other factors, such as unemployment rates or local employers plans for expanding or contracting their businesses before you invest a large amount of funds into real estate. Property that is located near a large business, a college, or a hospital has better resale value and will often sell easier.

TIP! Whether buying or selling, negotiate. You should make sure that they hear you and you get the fairest price for your property.

Before you sign a lease, find out about pest control. If you are renting a space that has known vermin problems, be sure to find out exactly who is responsible for pest control.

Commercial transactions are significantly more time-consuming, complex and involved than the home-buying process. Remember that the time and efforts you are investing will pay off.

One major part of commercial real estate deals is inspections. When property you are involved in is being inspected, take steps to verify the legitimacy of every inspector. Many people in certain fields are not accredited, including pest and insect removal services. This will avoid bigger problems in the post-sale.

TIP! Calm and patience are both sound practices when you are searching for commercial property. Do not rush into making quick real estate decisions.

If you have the intention of offering your commercial real estate for rent, look for buildings that are simple and solid in construction. These are the most likely to quickly invite tenants into the space, because they know it is well-cared for. These types of buildings are easier to fix for everyone and they might not need as many fixes.

Ensure there is adequate access to utilities on the commercial property. Water and sewer access will be needed in addition to electricity. You may want the option to use natural gas, as well.

Know your needs before you even start looking for a commercial real estate. Write down the features of a piece of property that are the most essential to you, such as how many square feet it must be and the number of specific rooms it should have, including conference rooms, offices, and restrooms.

TIP! Initially, your investment will take up a great deal of your time. It takes time to find a lucrative opportunity and purchase a propriety, adding to that time to carry out any repairs and alterations that are needed.

Commercial real estate has many brokers to offer. Some are full service brokers, and they work on behalf of landlords and tenants. Others are agents who represent only tenants. It might be most beneficial for you to hire a broker who works exclusively with tenants. A broker with that focus will be more experienced in successful dealings with tenants.

Speak to a tax adviser prior to buying a property. The tax lawyer will help you find out how much it will cost you and how much you will be taxed. Consult your adviser for areas where taxes are lower.

Prior to selecting a real estate broker, determine what kind of negotiating tactics they have. Inquire about their training and experience. You?ll also want an agent that conducts themselves professionally and ethically, and who has expertise in closing beneficial deals. Request additional information or examples of the results from previous negotiations.

TIP! Net Operating Income, the commercial metric for real estate, needs to be understood. To be successful, you must stay profitable.

Look around at the general environment around the building. You?ll be liable for cleaning up after environmental incidents. Are you aware of whether or not the property is located on a flood plain? You may need to think again. There are environmental assessment organizations who can provide information about a specific area if you contact them.

Make certain to think about any sorts of environmental issues. A thing that people are often worried about is that your commercial property may have hazardous waste problems. It?s up to you to be aware of the issues, fix them, and have them inspected once complete.

A large commercial property may be a better buy than a smaller one. If you were considering purchasing a building that has ten units, keep in mind that it does not involve that much more work to manage 75 units instead. A small building requires the same paperwork and financing as a larger building, and larger buildings end up costing less per unit.

TIP! You should be certain that your asking price is a fair offer for your piece of real estate. There are a lot of factors that determine the value of the lot.

Once you are sure which commercial property you want to choose, you are by no means finished. There is still so much more to do, and to learn. Gaining even a little bit of knowledge about commercial real estate helps you make better decisions.


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Upbeat U.S. jobs data lifts TSX to three-week high

May 1 (Reuters) - Post position for Saturday's 139th Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs after Wednesday's draw (listed as barrier, HORSE, jockey, trainer) 1. BLACK ONYX, Joe Bravo, Kelly Breen 2. OXBOW, Gary Stevens, D. Wayne Lukas 3. REVOLUTIONARY, Calvin Borel, Todd Pletcher 4. GOLDEN SOUL, Robby Albarado, Dallas Stewart 5. NORMANDY INVASION, Javier Castellano, Chad Brown 6. MYLUTE, Rosie Napravnik, Tom Amoss 7. GIANT FINISH, Jose Espinoza, Tony Dutrow 8. GOLDENCENTS, Kevin Krigger, Doug O'Neill 9. OVERANALYZE, Rafael Bejarano, Todd Pletcher 10. PALACE MALICE, Mike Smith, Todd Pletcher 11. ...


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HTC M4 leaked, suggests flagship style with middleweight specs (updated with comparison images)

HTC M4 leaks, brings flagship style with middleweight specs

Remember the M4? We've seen glances of a spec sheet, but now we get to see how it's going to look. Courtesy of @evleaks, we can now tell it's looking good. After the critically-acclaimed One, the company looks to be sharing its style tips around -- at a glance the M4 appears almost identical to the HTC flagship, although the camera flash has been relocated to the center of the device and there's a few less micro-drilled speaker holes. Running over the leaked specs, you can expect a smaller 4.3-inch screen at 720p resolution and possibly a cheaper build to the unibody beauty that leads HTC's smartphone family.

There's likely to be a dual-core processor, LTE-capable radio and 16GB of storage too. There's better news, with the UltraPixel-packing 4-megapixel camera sensor rumored to make its way into the middleweight phone, although initial leaks pointed to a 13-megapixel sensor. The phone is said to be appearing later this quarter, but we're still waiting on official word (and that all-important price) before we get too excited. But hey, it worked for Samsung.

Update: We've made a couple of comparison images of this rumored M4 with the 4.7-inch One. Check them out after the break.

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Source: Phone Arena


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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Florida Teen Charged with Weapon-Related Felonies Due to Science Project Mishap


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Az. lawmakers pass bill making silver, gold legal tender

By David Schwartz

PHOENIX (Reuters) - The Arizona Senate on Tuesday approved a measure to make gold and silver legal currency in the state, in a response to what backers said was a lack of confidence in the international monetary system.

The legislation cleared the Republican-controlled Senate by an 18-10 vote after being approved by the state House earlier this month. It now goes to Republican Governor Jan Brewer, who has not indicated if she will sign it into law or veto it.

The bill calls for Arizona to make gold and silver coins and bullion legal tender beginning in mid-2014, joining existing U.S. currency issued by the federal government.

If signed into law, Arizona would become the second state in the nation to establish these precious metals as legal tender. Utah approved such legislation in 2011.

More than a dozen states have considered similar legislation in recent years, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

The use of gold and silver as currency would be strictly voluntary, with businesses left free to accept the precious metals as payment for goods and services as they choose.

State Senator Chester Crandell, a Republican and sponsor of the bill, said the ability to use gold and silver in everyday life in the state is still a "work in progress" and that more legislation was needed before it could be viable.

"This is the first step in getting it into the statute so we can build on it," Crandell said at an earlier hearing on the bill.

But Democratic state Senator Steve Farley said the bill could create massive problems for businesses in the state and government officials trying to administer what would in effect be a dual monetary system.

"There's no reason for us to do this," Farley told lawmakers during the final vote on Tuesday. "This is another one of those things that gets national press for us - and not in a good way."

He also pointed to the recent decline in the value of gold - which sank to $1,321.35 per ounce on April 16, its lowest price in more than two years - noting that "anybody who thinks gold or silver is a really safe place to put your money had better think again."

The push to establish gold and silver as currency has become increasingly popular in the United States in recent years among some hardline fiscal conservatives, with the backing of groups including the Tea Party movement, American Principles Project and the Gold Standard Institute.

Keith Weiner, president of the Gold Standard Institute advocacy group and a supporter of the bill, said the legislation was needed to counter what he sees as insolvency in the global monetary system.

"The dollar system and all of the other derivative currencies, including the euro, are a recipe for worldwide bankruptcy," Weiner told lawmakers at an earlier hearing, adding that a "sound and honest money system such as gold and silver" was needed to bring stability.

(Editing by Tim Gaynor, Edith Honan and Eric Beech)


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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Ben Kingsley Iron Man 3 Interview


With writer-director Shane Black?s?Iron Man 3?now playing around the world and opening in America this weekend, I recently got to speak with the cast and filmmakers here in Los Angeles.? During my video interview with Sir Ben Kingsley, we talked about the way?Kevin Feige told him about the role and the arc of his character, how it?s tough to talk about the film without giving away some of the twists and turns, the way he prepared for the role, whether he took home the rings, and more.? In addition, Kingsley talked about his work in director Gavin Hood?s Ender?s Game.? Hit the jump to watch.

Sir Ben Kingsley:

  • Did he immediately say yes when he was offered the role.? Talks about how Kevin Feige told him about the role and the arc of the character
  • How it?s hard to talk about his role without giving away some of the twists and turns of the movie
  • Talks about the Mandarin and the way he prepared for the role
  • Did he take home the rings
  • Ender?s Game talk




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This Arctic Spray Freezes Cockroaches For Easy Disposal

If the thought of smooshing, crushing, smashing, squishing, or even touching a cockroach grosses you out, a Japanese company called Fumakilla has come up with a better way to dispose of them. Taking inspiration from Vader's Lando's carbonite chamber, this aerosol can literally freezes them in their tracks.




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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Greentape Brings Reviews To Consumers And Data To Merchants

greentape2With a plan of making product ratings social, Greentape is launching a new app that they hope will bring in-store product reviews to consumers while (hopefully) spawning more product purchases for merchants. The team is demoing this new app at TechCrunch Disrupt NY 2013.


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Sony Xperia SP on sale now in the UK at T-Mobile, Orange and EE

Sony Xperia SP on sale now in the UK at T-Mobile, Orange and EE

Sony's mash-up Xperia, the SP, is taking its transparent element light show to the UK today, giving budget-minded Brits one stylish and feature-packed mobile alternative. The 4.6-inch 720p handset, which is basically a Best of... edition of the Xperia S and P with an aluminum unibody, is shipping now at T-Mobile UK for £250 outright (about $387 USD), whereas Orange and EE are offering up the device for free with qualifying plans. If you want LTE, however, you only have one carrier option and that's EE -- a choice that'll have you shackled for a two-year period. As for O2 and Three, those carriers still have the SP listed as "coming soon," but it's safe to say you won't find a better bargain than *free.

*Nothing in life is free.

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Via: Xperia Blog

Source: T-Mobile Uk, Orange, EE


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WH: Anthony Foxx in line for transportation post (The Arizona Republic)

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Monday, April 29, 2013

No Redoubt: Volcanic eruption forecasting improved

Apr. 29, 2013 ? Forecasting volcanic eruptions with success is heavily dependent on recognizing well-established patterns of pre-eruption unrest in the monitoring data. But in order to develop better monitoring procedures, it is also crucial to understand volcanic eruptions that deviate from these patterns.

New research from a team led by Carnegie's Diana Roman retrospectively documented and analyzed the period immediately preceding the 2009 eruption of the Redoubt volcano in Alaska, which was characterized by an abnormally long period of pre-eruption seismic activity that's normally associated with short-term warnings of eruption. Their work is published today by Earth and Planetary Science Letters.

Well-established pre-eruption patterns can include a gradual increase in the rate of seismic activity, a progressive alteration in the type of seismic activity, or a change in ratios of gas released. "But there are numerous cases of volcanic activity that in some way violated these common patterns of precursory unrest," Roman said. "That's why examining the unusual precursor behavior of the Redoubt eruption is so enlightening."

About six to seven months before the March 2009 eruption, Redoubt began to experience long-period seismic events, as well as shallow volcanic tremors, which intensified into a sustained tremor over the next several months. Immediately following this last development, shallow, short-period earthquakes were observed at an increased rate below the summit. In the 48 hours prior to eruption both deep and shallow earthquakes were recorded.

This behavior was unusual because precursor observations usually involve a transition from short-period to long-period seismic activity, not the other way around. What's more, seismic tremor is usually seen as a short-term warning, not something that happens months in advance. However, these same precursors were also observed during the 1989-90 Redoubt eruption, thus indicating that the unusual seismic pattern reflects some unique aspect of the volcano's magma system.

Advanced analysis of the seismic activity taking place under the volcano allowed Roman and her team to understand the changes taking place before, during, and after eruption. Their results show that the eruption was likely preceded by a protracted period of slow magma ascent, followed by a short period of rapidly increasing pressure beneath Redoubt.

Elucidating the magma processes causing these unusual precursor events could help scientists to hone their seismic forecasting, rather than just relying on the same forecasting tools they're currently using, ones that are not able to detect anomalies.

For example, using current techniques, the forecasts prior to Redoubt's 2009 eruption wavered over a period of five months, back and forth between eruption being likely within a few weeks to within a few days. If the analytical techniques used by Roman and her team had been taken into consideration, the early risk escalations might not have been issued.

"Our work shows the importance of clarifying the underlying processes driving anomalous volcanic activity. This will allow us to respond to subtle signals and increase confidence in making our forecasts." Roman said.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Carnegie Institution.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Diana C. Roman, Matthew D. Gardine. Seismological evidence for long-term and rapidly accelerating magma pressurization preceding the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2013; DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.03.040

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Police say 4 people stabbed at Albuquerque church

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) ? Police say a 24-year-old man stabbed four people at a Catholic church in Albuquerque as a Sunday mass was nearing its end.

Police spokesman Robert Gibbs says Lawrence Capener jumped over several pews at St. Jude Thaddeus Catholic Church around noon Sunday and walked up to the choir area where he began his attack.

The injuries to the four church-goers weren't life-threatening. All four were being treated at hospitals.

An off-duty police officer and others at the church subdued Capener and held him down until police arrived.

Some of those who were stabbed were members of the choir.

The choir's pianist, Brenda Baca King, told KRQE-TV that the attacker was looking at the lead soloist. "I just remember seeing him hurdle over the pews, hurdle over people and run towards us and I thought, 'Oh my God, this is not good,'" Baca King said.

Police described the stabbing scene as chaotic as parishioners screamed as the attack unfolded.

Gibbs says Capener was interviewed by police and was expected to face felony charges. It's not yet known whether Capener has an attorney.

Gibbs says investigators don't yet know the motive for the stabbings, whether Capener had ties to the victims or whether he regularly attended the church.

The stabbings occurred as the choir had just begun its closing hymns.

Archbishop of Santa Fe Michael Sheehan released a statement saying he was saddened by the attack.

"I pray for all who have been harmed, their families, the parishioners and that nothing like this will ever happen again," Sheehan said.

The church didn't immediately return calls seeking comment on Sunday afternoon.


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US-MUSIC Summary

Woody Guthrie legacy on display at new Oklahoma museum

TULSA, Oklahoma (Reuters) - There was no doubt in Nora Guthrie's mind where the final repository of her famous musician father's legacy would be. The Woody Guthrie Center opened on Saturday in Tulsa, allowing visitors to see the folk singer's handwritten lyrics to "This Land Is Your Land" and thousands of other lyric sheets, letters, postcards, artwork, photos, manuscripts and journals.

"Trombone Shorty" carries on New Orleans jazz tradition

NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) - Musician Troy Andrews, better known as "Trombone Shorty," witnessed his first New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival at age 12 - not from the viewing area but on stage. "I was playing with my brother's brass band," said Andrews, now 27.

Michael Buble mixes it up on album of standards, original songs

NEW YORK (Reuters) - With a son on the way and a new album with more original songs than ever, Michael Buble is venturing into uncharted territory without letting go of his personal or artistic roots. "To Be Loved," the 37-year-old Canadian singer's follow-up to his 2011 "Christmas" album, mixes standards inspired by jazz, Motown and even the Bee Gees, with tracks written by Buble as well as collaborations with Bryan Adams and Reese Witherspoon.

South Korean rap sensation Psy honored at Tribeca Film Festival

NEW YORK (Reuters) - South Korean rapper and Internet sensation Psy was honored as a transcultural phenomenon by the Tribeca Film Festival on Friday along with a host of other luminaries ranging from choreographer Twyla Tharp to controversial media host Glenn Beck. "Who knew, right?" Psy said as he was presented his Tribeca Disruptive Innovation Award. "Giving me this award in itself is innovation, I think."

Country singer George Jones dead at 81

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - George Jones, a classic country singer with a voice full of raw honky-tonk emotion and a life full of honky-tonk turmoil, died on Friday at age 81, his spokesman said. Jones, whose career spanned more than six decades and included hits such as "He Stopped Loving Her Today" and "Window Up Above," died at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, in Nashville.

Mamma Mia! Bookie offers odds on ABBA reunion

LONDON (Reuters) - A British bookmaker is taking bets on an ABBA comeback after singer Agnetha Faltskog hinted at a possible reunion for Sweden's most successful band. Faltskog, who has come out of retirement to release a solo album called "A", was asked by German's Die Zeit Magazine if she would be open to an ABBA reunion and she responded positively.

African diva Angelique Kidjo wins Songlines Best Artist award

LONDON (Reuters) - African diva Angelique Kidjo was named Best Artist in Songlines magazine's annual world music awards on Friday, lauded for her high-energy shows and her championing of social causes. French veterans Lo'jo, who mix French folk with African and Arabic sounds, picked up the Best Group award and the young Zimbabwean band Mokoomba was chosen as top Newcomer.

Psy knocked from top of Korean charts by 63-year-old singer

SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean rapper Psy, whose latest video "Gentleman" tracked global megahit "Gangnam Style" by going viral on the Internet, has been knocked from the top of the music charts in his native country by a 63-year-old easy listening pop singer. "Gangnam Style", which holds the YouTube record for most views with more than 1.5 billion, catapulted the sunglassed Korean with the garish jackets to world stardom and made him one of the best-known faces to grace the growing K-pop music scene.

Documentary about deceased British singer Amy Winehouse in the works

(Reuters) - A documentary is in the works about the late British soul singer Amy Winehouse and it features previously unseen material, the film's distributor said on Wednesday. The film, which will include archival footage never seen by the public, will be directed by Briton Asif Kapadia, whose 2010 film "Senna," about Brazilian auto racer Ayrton Senna, won a BAFTA for best documentary.

Kurdish singer sparks identity debate on Arab talent show

ARBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - A singer from Iraq's Kurdistan region has made it through to the semi-final of an Arab talent contest, igniting heated debates over Iraqi identity and politicizing the popular TV show. A panel of judges praised 24-year-old Parwaz Hussein and she was voted through to the next round of "Arab Idol", in which aspiring popstars from Morocco to Bahrain compete for a recording contract.


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