Monday, April 15, 2013

Rubio's Evolves on Immigration, Qualifies Support for Senate Bill ...

Shark Tank Media

Shark Tank Media


Florida U.S. Senator Marco Rubio is now the official ?tip-of-the-spear? for the illegal immigration reform bill that is expected to come out of the U.S. Senate. Rubio appeared on NBC?s ?Meet the Press? with host David Gregory, where he got right into the weeds of the immigration reform debate.

?Rubio?s evolution on immigration reform continues, as the Senator is now using the term ?undocumented? instead of illegal to identify immigrants who have come here illegally.

?This bill once introduced as agreed to, I think, will show a broad base of enforcement measures unlike this country has ever seen. And what it does is create a way for us to address millions of people that are here undocumented , in a way that is compassionate, but also in a way that is responsible.-Senator Marco Rubio

?He then qualifies his support of the ?immigration bill, by stating that these illegal immigrants who are granted the chance to get on the pathway to citizenship, will not be awarded any special privileges, once they have applied.

It (the bill)will allow them to ultimately earn access to our legal immigration system, they will still have to apply, it doesn?t award them anything, but it does give them access to our legal immigration system to a process that will not encourage people to come here illegally in the future and though a process ?that isn?t unfair for people who have done it the right way.

?The status quo is horrible for America. The only people benefiting from the Status quo ?are in immigration today, are the people trafficking human beings across the border and the people hiring illegal labor for purposes.

?Amnesty is the forgiveness of something, and there will be consequences for having violated the law, and their will be reasonable consequences, but the type of consequences that ensure there is no incentive to do it this way again.

?Rubio reiterates his point that those who are already waiting in line to enter the US legally, that ?no one who has done it the wrong way will get it before you.?

?But then Rubio?s own words are used to put him in a bit of a bind. Host David Gregory asked Rubio what has changed in his immigration messaging since ?his 2010 Senatorial campaign. Gregory reminded Rubio that during one of the Senatorial debates, Rubio stated that to earn a pathway to citizenship, ?you have to leave this country if you are here illegally, go back home and then come back.?

?Rubio answered that during his campaign, he was against ?blanket amnesty? and this bill is not blanket amnesty, because ?you pay serious consequences for having violated the law.?

?The existing law does not prohibit someone who has violated the immigration laws from getting a green card it simply says you have to leave the US and wait ten? years. ?What we have done is created an alternative to that.

?Forces you to wait more than ten years, forces you to pay an application fee, forces you to pay a significant fine, forces you to not qualify for any federal benefits of any kind. Rubio then says that there would be ?no access to anything until there is a universal E-Verify system in place.?

?Gregory then asked Rubio what we here at the Shark Tank have also asked of Rubio, in respect to the almost certain possibility that this immigration bill will eventually morph into a bill that would force him to back off.

?Rubio said that if the bill changed for the worse and abandoned his principles, he ?would not support it, but doesn?t think that will happen.

?Again, when President Obama, who is in favor of amnesty for illegal immigrants, is the biggest cheerleader for this immigration bill, expect his agenda to be addressed.

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