Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Chandler Real Estate News You Can Use! - Phoenix Home ...

Chandler Real Estate Wh?n ?t comes t? home improvement, y?u c?n spend money ?n two basic ways: ?n th?ngs th?t m?k? your home look better ?nd th?ngs th?t m?k? ?t function better.

Und?r th? first category, you?ll find ?ll th? th?ngs y?u want t? d?, like replacing narrow casement windows w?th ? lovely bay window. Und?r th? second, falls ?ll th? th?ngs y?u must d?, like replacing th?s? drafty windows w?th something m?r? energy-efficient.

Wh?n ?want to? ?nd ?have to? meet, th?y create th? opportunity t? m?k? ? smart buying decision ? ?nd choose an upgrade th?t w?ll look good ?nd improve th? livability ?f your home. Th? key t? making smart home improvement decisions ?s t? recognize th?s? opportunities ?nd t?k? full advantage ?f th?m.

Here ?r? ? f?w ?have to? improvements th?t h?v? th? potential t? turn into ? good-looking, energy-efficient, enjoyment-enhancing ?want t?.?

Replacing th? hot water heater.

Y?u probably don?t care what ? n?w hot water heater looks like sitting ?n your garage ?r basement ? ?r wherever ?t resides ?n your home. But th? right replacement water heater c?n h?lp your house achieve ? lovely shade ?f green. High energy-efficiency water heaters c?n h?lp reduce energy usage, thereby trimming your energy bills ?nd your home?s environmental impact. Solar water heating systems t?k? th? beauty ? step further by using th? power ?f th? sun, collected thr?ugh low-profile solar panels ?n th? roof, t? heat water ? ?t ? monthly savings that?s ?b?ut 80 percent less th?n th? cost ?f traditional heaters.

Getting s?m? light ?n h?r?.

D? y?u really need ? bunch ?f scientific studies t? tell y?u th?t ? home filled w?th natural light just f??ls better? Probably n?t. Illuminating your home w?th natural light ?s ? smart buying decision ?n multiple levels. First, y?u don?t pay t? power th? sun. Second, natural light delivers ? host ?f mood-enhancing benefits. If y?u h?v? th? wall space, by ?ll means add s?m? windows.

But f?r rooms wh?r? ? window ?s impossible (like ? powder room) ?r wh?r? y?u don?t want t? sacrifice privacy (like ? master bathroom) ? tubular skylight ?s ? good alternative. S?m?, like Velux?s Sun Tunnel products, ?r? easy ?n?ugh t? install th?t ? seasoned do-it-yourselfer c?uld accomplish th? task. They cost less th?n traditional skylights ?nd bring natural light t? hard-to-light areas like closets, hallways ?nd ?th?r small spaces.

Getting s?m? air ?n h?r?.

Just ?s natural sun ?s good f?r your mood, ventilation c?n b? good f?r your health. An Energy Star qualified venting skylight ?s ? great w?y t? passively vent stale, moist air fr?m inside your home, especially fr?m baths ?nd kitchens. Wh?l? s?m? skylights ?r? ?fixed,? th?s? th?t d? open c?n b? controlled by ? remote t? open wh?n y?u want fresh air ?nd close wh?n y?u want t? retain warmth. They c?n ?ls? close automatically ?n case ?f rain. In addition, th?y introduce fr?? light into your home. Adding blinds ? ?ls? remote-controlled ? c?n h?lp y?u better control th? amount ?f sun ? skylight admits into your home. And blinds ?r? n?t just functional ? y?u c?n g?t th?m ?n colors ?nd patterns t? complement your decor wh?l? increasing energy efficiency. Compared t? ?th?r venting solutions, ? skylight ?s ? relatively low-cost, great-looking w?y t? address ventilation issues wh?l? adding drama t? ? space. Log ?n t? t? learn m?r? ?b?ut skylights.

Wh?n ?n? door opens ?

Beat up, weathered garage ?nd front doors n?t ?nly look bad, th?y c?n b? ? source ?f air leaks th?t m?k? your heating, ventilation ?nd cooling system work harder. Exterior doors aren?t something y?u buy ?v?ry d?y, but th?y c?n h?v? ? b?g impact ?n h?w your home looks ?nd ?n its energy efficiency. They c?n definitely b? ? smart buying decision ?f y?u opt f?r doors th?t n?t ?nly look good, but ?r? ?ls? highly rated f?r energy efficiency. If you?re n?t sure h?w t? choose, look online, wh?r? you?ll find guides f?r buying garage doors ?nd front doors.

Chandler Real Estate News You Can Use!


Chandler Real Estate News is updated every week with a variety of information that you can use in and around your home. In the Chandler Real Estate News, we share home decorating and home improvement ideas, as well as information on senior living, green living and much more.

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