Saturday, April 21, 2012

The business streaming and digital media


Information technology helps meet today's medical students' needs by providing multiple curriculum delivery methods. Video streaming is an e-learning technology that uses the Internet to deliver curriculum while giving the student control of the content's delivery.

We then describe how the video streaming concept is in the medical profession. Then we describe how the medical institutions especially the Apollo group in Hyderabad, India uses the video streaming in their institutions and also their contribution to it.


Internet as everyone knows is the ideal network that connects all computers in the world. It is a very popular platform for most of the applications. With the rapid development in communication and communication technology, distribution of continuous media such as video that demand more resources than the other media has gained more popularity. "Video streaming" is a technique of distributing videos over the internet. With greater than ever broadband speeds and website bandwidth, next generation websites are increasing the findings of new ways to engage potential clients.What better way would anyone suggest to communicate quickly with potential clients than with highly potential and visually rich content, which streams directly from our website requiring no download time or additional software to run!? (www1)

For a long time, it has been very easy downloading and playing back high-quality video files from the Internet. Today's web browsers and servers are supporting full-file transfer of the document retrieval. However, full-file transfer is very long, the transfer times are high. Ideally, video have to be streamed across the Internet according to the client request from the web page where the requested embedded videos are present. The client plays the incoming video stream in real time as the data is being received. The idea of video streaming on the network has been gaining a lot of interest.

There is a saying that, one picture is equal to 100 words. It means that, instead of writing 100s of words showing a picture makes people understand easily. In the same way according to the present trend, showing one video makes things very clear instead of showing 100s of pictures. That is the reason why, video streaming is used by every business personnel for the development of their business. It has become the life to business field.

The medical profession is one of the major professions which always look for modernization. The video streaming is also been adopted into their profession by the doctors. The medical education, the hospital maintenance, telemedicine, video assisted surgeries, the CT scans, MRI scans, online publicity and the security maintenance are the areas where the video streaming is used in the medical profession.

Apollo Hospitals is one of the largest health groups in Asia. We are going to consider the Apollo hospitals in Hyderabad for our case. Its services are supported by sophisticated infrastructure and highly experienced medical professionals. Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad was the first institution in India in which a PET CT Scanner was used. It shows their interest in adopting new technologies. (www12)


Video streaming is generally known for distribution of video over the internet. Before the introduction of streaming continuous media files were downloaded to the disk of the client as a whole before the beginning of the playback. Streaming overlaps transmission and playback and thus eliminates high waiting times and large disk space requirement that occur in downloading approach. Although downloading gives better quality, the quality produced in streaming is within acceptable levels. (Book2)

With true video streaming, users are able to watch files almost as soon as the download begins. The file would be sent to the user through an almost constant streaming, making the user able to watch the video as soon as it arrives. An obvious advantage would be that you no longer need to wait for the video to be completely downloaded. Streaming media has a lot of advantages and benefits like having the ability to broadcast live events - this is called a net-cast or webcast. True video streaming could be done by delivering the video from a server which is specially for streaming. (www2)

A company can broadcast live or recorded presentations and announcements to viewers in different locations at the same time. Many Universities use this for delivering live or recorded guest lectures' to the students at multiple places at the same time. Monitoring corporate properties and assets in real time is also done using the video streaming. It is a powerful communication tool for marketing, as it requires almost no download time and can run directly from the website using a Flash player; a plug-in which is now installed on virtually every internet user's web browser.Streaming Video can fit neatly into the design of your website, providing a compact, attractive and above all engaging way for your website's users to explore your content and services, giving them immediate access to information. (www3)

Online web streaming is one of most popular internet activities. Whatsoever you want to watch in the video from across the world, news recaps, TV shows, tutorials or funny videos, you are guaranteed to find something you like at one of the top five video streaming web sites. Besides watching television anywhere in the world, non-entertainment applications for streaming video are being developed. Webcam Surveyor is a webcam software system that combines video surveillance and video capturing tools. With this software you can record all video activity at your home or office, activated with motion detection and Webcam Surveyor will alert you by sending an e-mail and uploading images to an FTP site. This will make it possible to remotely observe activity from a surveillance camera. You can remotely watch surveillance cameras on your mobile device or laptop for additional security. (www5)

The television programs that are being broadcasted are also a form of video streaming. The videos that are telecasted live are also of the same form. They are the applications of video streaming. In the car industry, a customer can be shown the promotional videos before buying the car. One of the most common streaming media applications outsourced by corporations to CDNs is the live webcasting. A live webcasting component varies from one provider to another and tends to have people asking a lot of questions. Utilizing streaming video technology in a live environment is a great way to take advantage of global communication at a fraction of second at the cost of traditional broadcast mediums. When making the decision to use the Internet to broadcast your message, there are many decisions to make. Some corporations have the in-house resources to make the broadcast happen, but most of the companies need to outsource the live event to a service provider. (Book 1)

The other industry where it is mostly and rapidly used is the business analysis field.

Here the business analysts use this for the instant update of the business details, for example, shares update, stocks update etc. The share market uses this very highly because shares is the only business where the figures and analysis change in fraction of seconds. The profit and loss plays a big role here so, every second is precious and hence the video conferencing and the teleconferencing are very frequently followed. For this most of the TV channels telecast live interviews and recorded views of the business analysts. This would be of great help to the investors and share holders.


Video Streaming & Medical Profession:

A change always leads to modernization. In olden days, the medical professors used to demonstrate the surgeries on human bodies to their students. But they felt it difficult to demonstrate that to large number of students as the operation theatre cannot accommodate all of them at a time. Then thought the medical practitioners, "Why not use video streaming in Medical profession?". They adopted video streaming in medical profession for overcoming this problem. Using this, the professors have started demonstrating the surgeries from the operation theatre and the students watch them visually sitting in the class rooms. The students can even ask queries and can get the replies from their professors. (www6)

They even went a step forward using it in surgeries. The ophthalmologists use it for surgeries regarding eyes. They also use it for the general check up of the patients. The heart surgeries can also be done using the live video streaming. Video assisted thoracoscopic surgery is a type of thoracic surgery performed using a small video camerathat is introduced into the patient's chest via a scope where the surgeonis able to view the instruments that are being used along with the anatomy that is being operated on. (www7)

Now-a-days everyone had become health conscious, which is of course a very important of life. As a result of this almost all the hospitals have started to allot some space in their hospital websites for some videos related to tips and health care. The websites related to the health care centres or the hospitals consists of many pictures and videos of their achievements and their service, these videos can be streamed from any place in the world. In the major surgeries such as heart surgeries and many other surgeries, the doctors insert instruments with a micro camera which shows the internal view of the patient's body. Seeing these in the monitor doctors operate the patient. (Journal 1)

Strengthening the saying, "to err is human" errors in surgeries have now-a-days become common and they contribute to complications for patients.Between the period of May 2000 and August 2006, 1108 selective cases were studied. There were 2684 errors in nearly 87.1% of these cases. Technical errors were 27.8%, contamination errors 25.3%, failure of the equipment or missing of the equipment was found in 18.2%, or errors due to delay were 12.5%. Of these errors, 22.6% were considered major and 77.4% were minor. Of all these errors, 78.5% were tested preventable. 80.6% were major errors. Of the error-related complications, 74.2% were declared as preventable. So it is understood that most of these errors were done due to the negligence of the medical staff. (www8)

Taking this into consideration, the patient is given a chance to appeal for justice if any errors took place in the surgery. With the help video recordings of the surgery the court investigates the case. (www9)


An elderly lady underwent a surgery for brainaneurysmhaving the defective blood vessel embolized and a platinum coil to be inserted, effectively blocking it off from the vascular system. Unfortunately, during the surgery a medication mistake caused her to die a languishing death after she was injected with chlorohexidine, a topical antiseptic which is toxic to the body. Theclearskincleanser was in an unmarked container next to the clear dye that was intended to be injected. She got extreme leg pain and swelling that went on to cause tissue death and organ dysfunction. She suffered a stroke,kidney failure, limb necrosis requiring amputation and heart attacks in the 19 days before her death. The lady's relatives have claimed compensation in the court of law on the error made by the doctors during the surgery. Examining the videos recorded on the account of the surgery, the court's judgement was against the doctors. So, video streaming plays a very important role in the medical profession. (www10)

The founder and chairman of Apollo Groups, Dr. Prathap C. Reddy says that, their mission is to bring healthcare of international standards within the reach of every individual. The Apollo hospitals are always first in adopting the advanced technology. They have been using video streaming in many ways in their institutions for the healthcare of the individuals. They are planning to extend super speciality services to every remote corner of the globe by using the technological developments and video streaming techniques to create benchmark standards in the field of medicine. (www13)

Apollo services (video streaming):


Tele-Pathology - By using this, the microscopic view can be shared with pathologists sitting in different locations for instant reports through streaming.

Tele-Cardiology - Here the transfer of ECG and Echo Cardiogram will take place for gaining the opinion of the experts.

Remote ICU Monitoring It is an excellent solution for providing critical care to the patients who are in remote areas with minimum healthcare facilities. Vital parameters of the patient can be monitored from the multi-speciality hospital through TV monitoring.

Tele-Radiology The transferring of the digitized medical images and clippings like X-rays, MRIs and CT scans from one location to another for reports. (www14)

Key Advantages:

In General:
  • A company can archive the history of its accomplishments or events for future reference and can produce its promotional CDs, DVDs and other online presentations.
  • In the travel industry the organizers can showcase their resorts in form of video samples.
  • Real Estate companies can show the videos of the house to the buyers with clicking a button. They can see and hear taking them from the front view, through the bathrooms and out the backyard.
  • Businesses looking for the generation of revenue from online ventures, always find the video as the single most effective representation for their products and services. etc., (www16)
In Medical Profession (Apollo):
  • They publish training videos from equipment manufacturers to ensure proper use of medical devices and instruments, such as heart monitors, MRI, and radiology.
  • They provide hospital news and information to staff and visitors, broadcast to always-on plasma screens located in hallways, cafeterias, and lobbies.
  • They also provide desktop video-based training and continuing education to physicians, nurses, medical technicians, and other staff to reduce time out of the hospital.

Key Disadvantages:

In General:
  • Almost every video on the World Wide Web is virus infected. Streaming these infected videos from the video streaming websites will lead to the malfunctioning of the computer.
  • Almost 3/4th of the videos on the web are having adult content in them. It creates a bad impact in the youth.
  • The video streaming websites are very free to upload and download, and because of this the piracy is being developed. (Journal 3)
  • In Medical Profession (Apollo):
  • Not all hospitals can afford it in the cost perspective.
  • The video assisted surgeries often take lot of time when compared to the traditional one. The laparoscopic surgery can increase the risk of developing blood clots and wounds. (www17)




  • Book1: Dan Rayburn & Michael Hoch (2005).The Business of streaming and digital media. Burlington, United States of America: Focal Press. p80-100.
  • Dan Rayburn & Michael Hoch, The Business of streaming and digital media.

  • Book2: Aylin kantarci. (2000). Lecture notes in computer science. In: Turhan TunaliAdvances in Information Systems. Heidelberg: Springer Berlin. p275-284.


  • Journal1: Y D Tan, N Philip. (2006). Fragility Issues of Medical Video Streaming over 802.11e-WLAN m-health Environments.Fragility Issues of Medical Video Streaming over 802.11e-WLAN m-health Environments.1(1), p6316-9.
  • Journal2:
  • Journal3: Jay Lickfett. (2001). What are the disadvantages of streaming audio versus downloading audio?.What are the disadvantages of streaming audio versus downloading audio ? .1 (3), question 58.


  • www1: Meta minds team. (2009).streaming video introduction. Available: Last accessed 24 November 2009.
  • www2:Bill Pratt. (2009).Bill Pratt Expert Author.Available: Last accessed 30 November 2009.
  • www3: IVCI. (2009).Streaming video applications.Available: Last accessed 29 November 2009.
  • www4: Emma. (2008). The top 5 video streaming websites. Available: Last accessed 30 November 2009.
  • www5: In data group. (2009). Streaming An Introduction to Video Streaming, live streaming and stream. Available: Last accessed 30 November 2009.
  • www6: Rochester Institute of Technology. (2009).Telemedicine: Researchers Broadcast Live Surgery Using Internet2. Available: Last accessed 30 November 2009.
  • www7: Harvard University. (2000-2009).Video Assisted Thoracic surgery.Available: Last accessed 25 November 2009.
  • www8: March 6, 2007, teleconference with Diane D. Cousins. (2000-2009).Medication Errors during Surgeries Particularly Dangerous.Available: Last accessed 24 November 2009.
  • www9: Health And Negligence Law Australia. (2009).Medical Negligence Compensation Cases.Available: Last accessed 24 November 2009.
  • www10: wrong diagnosis team. (2009).Missing Document.Available: Last accessed 27 November 2009. ilitating_death.htm
  • www11: CCTV camera pros. (2006).Dome Security Camera. Available: Last accessed 27 November 2009.
  • www12: Apollo Hospitals. (2009).Apollo hospitals overview. Available: Last accessed 25 November 2009.
  • www13: Apollo Hospitals. (2009).Apollo Telemedicine Network Foundation.Available: Last accessed 26 November 2009.
  • www14: Apollo Hospitals. (2009). Services.Available: Last accessed 26 November 2009.
  • www15: Apollo Hospitals. (2009).Patient Experiences.Available: Last accessed 24 November 2009.
  • www16: Virtual needs. (2005).Virtual Video streaming Benefits. Available: Last accessed 29 November 2009.
  • www17: Ring Surf. (2009).Laparoscopic Disadvantages.Available: Last accessed 29 November 2009.

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