Sunday, April 8, 2012

Network Marketing Lead Generation |

Network marketing lead generation is fundamental to the success of any multi level marketing program. The direct sales industry has depended over the decades upon the traditional unilevel approach, which allows sales associates to recruit as many other people to the cause as possible. Always the issue with mlm recruiting is the high dropout rate, due to a number of reasons but is a constant source of aggravation for those trying to build a sustainable business. In fact, eighty percent of all distributors fall off the wagon permanently within twelve months and most never recruited a single person under their time in the mlm. It's no wonder that the reality of an mlm experience usually means that a person ends up buying more product than the profit ever made in the business.
So the member of an mlm or network marketing company is tasked with forever finding more recruits to replace the dropouts. That person can go online and find many companies ready to sell supposed hot leads for those interested in building a business while others can have a million targeted bulk emails sent out to one and all searching, clawing, and scratching for three or four persons wanting to build a business. Notice there isn't much said about the product. After all, it's about the recruit, not the product, right? But if this all worked so well, many more people would be successful in network marketing lead generation. But look at inherent flaws in the whole mlm recruiting process:

The typical mlm network marketing lead generation training begins on the first day with the instructions, "Make a list of all your friends, family, business associates, and neighbors and invite them over a few at a time for presentations. If you need your sponsor there, she'll be glad to come and have some refreshments, then get right into the presentation. Sell the product, but more importantly, get them signed up. If that doesn't work, annoy them for at least three months before moving on to fresh prospects and when the list runs out of names, just start praying for new neighbors while you are out on the street buttonholing strangers. Once you get three or four strangers willing to listen, take them into a nearby hotel ballroom and we'll stage a big revival type pep rally." That's fairly close to what typical network marketing lead generation strategy has been over the years.

The typical network marketing lead generation structure leads to many recruits dropping out for two huge reasons. Without a doubt, most recruits drop out because the mlm success model depends on recruits being entrepreneurs who want to build their own business. Here is the first reason: the overwhelming majority of people secured from network marketing lead generation are people who just need some extra money, and have no real interest or drive or business savvy to build their own business. MLM isn't about selling health food products out of one's house to make a little extra money; rather it's about finding an army of people who will do that for you. The second most overlooked factor is that the vast majority of people recruited are not natural salespersons. There is always the argument that salespeople are made, not born, but the naturally introverted person's interest will begin to ebb once the friends and family list runs out. The mlm hope is that excitement for the product and the spiel training will overcome that reticence to get out and buttonhole anyway.

So the very typical and very unproductive approach to network marketing lead generation for finding and keeping qualified and properly motivated recruits is flawed beyond description. Apart from the fact that most mlm businesses have only made money for those at the top of the pyramid and that they are not a good deal for those at the bottom, some people would suggest that the real way to build a multi level marketing business is to first build relationships with people based on the common love of the product. Passion about the product and its positive effects on others should be paramount and the relationships between those who support and use the products strong. Those who wish to be company reps should first be able to show they can build relationships through the use of the product and display the ability to affect others with their passion for the product in such a way that product users actually ask to be a rep themselves instead of having it foisted upon them at a pep rally or during a living room squeeze play.

The naysayers are probably screaming at this, saying that a business built around waiting till someone asks to be a rep is medieval network marketing lead generation alchemy. But who will be the ones seeing the possibilities of a fabulous product and wanting in on the action by going after an invitation to join? It will be the real entrepreneurs who just have to be in on something so wonderful. Then make them get out there and prove it the right way by displaying their passion for the product and just wait for someone to approach them. MLMs have caused a lot of friends to become angry with other friends over a sense of being used and the same with family members so it's time for a different mlm lead generation paradigm. "For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:36) There is no more sobering question in history.

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