Saturday, June 23, 2012

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?????Fast and Furious is a?crisis!??Take a walk with me?down memory lane.? Let's try to?understand how Speaker Boehner would even suggest ending the investigation as alleged since USAG Eric Holder stated he would?increase funds to stop?"gun trafficking into Mexico."? Isn't Fast and Furious?equate to "gun trafficking into Mexico?"??America has been headed into a socialist agenda for decades.? This agenda?began prior to the Clinton administration, but reared its ugly head during?the Clinton administration.? The Clintons?implemented?socialist agendas without public resistance by the majority of Americans.? There was a minority of us, who Clinton referred to as?patriots, who stood on the front lines exposing the agendas, but?patriots were attacked and some were killed, died, suicided, accidents, or jailed.? Today, the attack is the same, but the name has been switched from "patriots" to?the "Tea Party" or the "Oathkeepers."? The media and?Clinton administration?discredited the patriots as? conspiracy theorists, but conspiracies have been implemented since the devil seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden.? Remember, Hitler conspired and nearly exterminated the Jews.

???? First, we should ask the question,?who is Eric Holder?? After all, we?don't know the true identity of?the?man in the White House elected as a U.S. President known as?Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro, Bari Shabazz, Harrison Bounell and so forth...born in Hawaii or Kenya....a subject of Britain or a naturalized or legal citizen or an?adopted Indonesian citizen, which are unanswered questions?all blowing in the wind.??At least we know that Eric Holder?is not eligible to be a U.S. President because he was born to two immigrants?born in?Barbados?who immigrated into the U.S. about?1951.? They remained in New York City and Holder is reported to have grown up?in Queens.? He's also been reported to be?raised as an Episcopalian.? He's the 82nd USAG and the first African American to hold the position confirmed by the Senate.

???? Eric Holder?admits that he?didn't answer congressional questions honestly?at least twice while under oath when?asked when he learned about Fast and Furious.? He was reported in the news to be?uncooperative and not?providing credible answers to the questions at the committee hearings,?or producing the?documents that had been requested, by the committee members.?This crisis?is just as serious as Obama refusing to uphold Article II,?which he swore to uphold and yet, he failed to produce his Certified U.S.?birth certificate which a federal judge ordered him to produce in a court of law, but he did not.?Obviously, the majority of Americans are concerned about public servants who refuse to identify themselves on public record for public scrutiny.?

???? On Tuesday, Holder failed to produce all the requested documents and?stated, "I want to make it very clear that I am offering to sit down by myself, offering to sit down with the Speaker, with the Chairman, with whomever to try to work our way through this in an attempt to avoid a constitutional crisis....."? Well, the crisis began in 2009!? If?the two U.S. agents hadn't been murdered by untracked guns sold to untracked cartel members on Mexican soil then the?42,000 innocent people, who had been executed, wouldn't have been silenced forever -?what I refer to as a genocide?- wouldn't have?been exposed.? In fact, the executions are continuing as there are untracked guns remaining?in the hands of dangerous untracked cartel members reported in the news to be robbing and killing people everyday.

???? Furthermore, Holder?stated at?congressional hearings?that he didn't know about Fast and Furious until?the hearings commenced or he had just learned about?Fast and Furious, but that isn't?in line with the fact that he attended a conference in Cuernavaca, Mexico, on April 2, 2009, which may be the same meeting Hillary Clinton and Napolitano attended. Holder?spoke at the conference and stated, "First, let me express my thanks to Attorney General Media Moras, Secretary of Government Gomez, mostly for making this conference possible,? This is my first trip to another country as Attorney General.? I wanted to come to Mexico to deliver a single message.? We stand shoulder to shoulder with you on the fight against the narcotics cartels.? The U.S. shares responsibility for this fight and problem and we will take responsibility by joining Mexican collegues here today....on our side,?[HLS- Janet] Napolitano and I am committed to putting the resources in place to increase our attack on arms trafficking into Mexico."

???? Well, how is it possible to believe that Holder knew very little about Fast and Furious when?it was reported that Holder?traveled to Mexico and attended the?conference with Napolitano and possibly Hillary Clinton, who?is reported to have spoken directly with the President of Mexico?- Hillary specifically traveled to Mexico to speak??about? gun trafficking into Mexico?in 2009!? Remember, Holder?stated in his 2009 speech that he?was "committed to putting the resources in place to increase our?attack on arms trafficking into Mexico."?The point isn't about?Holder's statements during his speech,?but the fact that he has vast knowledge of gun trafficking into Mexico and how could?he not?have knowledge that?Obama launched Fast & Furious and named?Holder and Ogden to lead the program on national television back in 2009 as stated by Deputy A.G. Ogden???Holder's?statements under oath during congressional hearings implying that he?recently learned of Fast and Furious should be hard to swallow.

???? Holder has worked for years under the?Clinton-Reno administration and was familiar with Obama, ACORN and Schumer, Rod Blagojevich and many more Chicago and far left players who are activists or politicians.? How could he?not know?that Obama, Schumer,?Hillary Clinton, and Feinstein were seeking gun control laws?? Obama stated?loud and clear on Meet the Press back in 2008, which took place?during the campaign, that his?goal was to disarm Americans.? And Hillary Clinton has made it clear that her allegiance is with the U.N.'s Small Arms Treaty. ?In fact, Schumer?questioned Holder during?the USAG hearings.?These same public servants are democrats?who support the U.N.'s Small Arms Treaty with the stated?goal of?disarming Americans. So, how is it that the Obama-Holder-Napolitano-Clinton-U.N. goal is to disarm Americans while simultaneously?supplying untracked guns to untracked criminals on foreign soil using U.S. tax dollars turned to blood money?? The irony is that?Homeland Security and the DOJ attempted to implement their spying?and tracking?program of law abiding American citizens, who are??Walmart customers and?purchase legal guns to be thoroughly investigated, while Fast and Furious was in full force, and they didn't even apply law enforcement 101 against the cartle members.??Deputy?A.G. Ogden, who appeared on?national TV?about?April 2009, stated?that?Obama approved removing $10,000,000 of? U.S. tax dollars?from the Recovery Fund, which he promised for job creation, in order for the BATF, which is?under?Holder's watch to?implement?Fast and Furious.? Ogden said on national television that Obama named Ogden and Holder to head up Fast and Furious?on or about?April 2009, probably prior to USAG Holder's visit, when he attended?the Mexican conference on gun trafficking into Mexico.

???? In fact, under Clinton's reign, Holder represented Chiquita Brands International who paid an entity using the name?-?United Self Defense Forces of Columbia -reported by a State Department to be?listed as a terrorist organization,?who murdered?about 4,000 innocent?Banana farmers, which is similar to?Fast and Furious,except that In Mexico,?42,000 people were slaughtered.? Also, Del Monte and Dole paid the same terrorist group! In fact,?news articles alleged that Speaker Nancy Pelosi was reported to have?had a financial interest in Del Monte.??So, Holder is very?knowledgable about the inner workings of?terrorist groups,?cartels,? gun trafficking, and money laundering, which makes it difficult to understand how?it's possible that he didn't know anything or very much?about the Fast and Furious gun trafficking reported in the news?for two years.? It's difficult to understand how he didn't know that the news?reported that?thousands of executions along the borders were recurring on a dialy basis, including beheadings.?After all, Holder did attend the conference held in Mexico?back?in?2009,?as a?key speaker on gun trafficking, offering his help, Napolitano's help, and the assistance of the?U.S. government to control the gun trafficking along the borders.? Can congress overlook his traveling to Mexico and his speech on gun trafficking?

???? Obama was the mentor and educator to ACORN.? Also, Bill Ayers is alleged to have some involvement with?ACORN prior to the elections.??Holder is alleged to?refuse the implementation of an?investigation into voter fraud involving ACORN.? In 2009, Holder gave a speech in 2009 and stated, "America is a Nation of cowards" relating to racial issues.? Holder stated?at a college with a majority of Black?students that "there will be no majority race in the United Stated in 15 years."? Race appears to be?high on his list. ?In fact, Holder won a judgment against the New Black Panther leader, Malik Zulu Shabazz, and chose to drop the case.? White House records reveal that Shabazz visited the private residence at the White House two months later.? It's?strange that?in 1982, a warrant for a man named Bari Shabazz was issued in Hawaii, but the man fled and almost 25 years later, a mysterious action took place as it was reported that a?prosecutor dismissed the warrant. Remember, there weren't any computers back then to have even known about that warrant!? Malcolm X's last name is Shabazz and Obama's daughter is SaSHA.? Could the new leader be related to Malcolm X?? Who is Bari SHAbazz?

????????? Furthermore,?Holder represented Jose Padilla aka Abdullah al Muhajir, an Islamist, who provided material support to al Qaeda and was leading a dirty bomb attack against the United States according to an article by spongedock. Its alleged that during the Clinton administration,?Holder was a member of the American Constitution Society (ACS) funded by George Soros, the Streisand Foundation, and the Ford Foundation.? His close friends are Peter Rubin, founder of the ACS,?and in fact,? Janet Reno was an advisory member.?

???? ?Eric Holder is reported in alternative news to be the Director of the Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Foundation which is funded by groups such as the Tides Foundation and ACORN.? So, it is apparent that the same?public servants and organizations, celebrities, and corporations, who are currrently?in control of the United States?today have been interconnected for decades. The majority of these same people changing America are long time supporters of?the United Nations and strong supporters of the evil?Agenda 21 as well as disarming Americans and gun control.

???? Holder gave a speech in 1998 while under the Clinton and Janet Reno administrations on drug cartels, weapons, and money laundering, so he is up-to-date on these serious matters.? In fact, Holder is reported in the news to have asked for clemency for 16 FLAM Puerto Rican terror organization members and that resulted in reduced prison sentences.

???? There is much more history relating to Eric Holder and his ties to the Clintons, Rod Blagojevich, and many more, along with the Oklahoma City bombing; WACO, Ruby Ridge, and so forth....that it makes the entire federal government appear as one big theatrical stage of players who have been putting people in place since the Clinton years.? They obviously are people who have worked together in the past, belonged to the same socialist or leftist organizations, and are?a majority of either democratic, liberal, socialist, marxist, communist, atheists, with a globalist, one world order, mind set.? Those who are socialists within the Congress or senate, or within other government agencies, appear to?believe that they are not accountable to Congress or the American people, but the U.N., E.U., NATO, or international powers as expressed by Secretary of Defense, Leon?Panetta, the man who has the U.S. Marines disarmed, during his visits.? Their behaviors reflect a disregard for the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence as well as?possible?disdain for freedom, liberty, the U.S. flag, the U.S. military, Judea-Christian roots, U.S. and Christian-Catholic-Jewish traditions, unborn babies, U.S. Natural Born Americans, and legal generational Americans who don't?support their agendas.

???? You can tune into my radio show LIVE on Wednesdays from 4-5 pm (pdt) with untold truth exposing?a myriad of legal abuses, injustices, and constitutional violations, at

???? You're invited to read complimentary pages of "Fight Back Legal Abuse: How To Protect Yourself From Your Own Attoney" at Amazon or

???? Rose Colombo is referred to by the media as an authority on social injustices; an award winning published writer, author, creator, producer, and host of "Women Fight Back" - "Issues of the Day" - and currently "Rose Colombo's World Views."?







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